Registration instructions for Emerging viral pathogen program guidance claimsHierarchy of viruses: enveloped, large non-enveloped, small non-enveloped#gov#Emergency#Pandemic Control#Registration & Regulation··Apr 16, 2020Registration instructions for Emerging viral pathogen program guidance claims
VALUABLE STUDIES on Hand Washing, Food Preservation, etc ~Conference for Food ProtectionPathogens & log reductions, no-wash or sequential hand sanitization, wipes, industry contact people, impacts of temperature. ETC#gov#instructs#Hand Washing··Apr 15, 2020VALUABLE STUDIES on Hand Washing, Food Preservation, etc ~Conference for Food Protection
FDA assistance in expediting COVID treatments ~FDAFDA has stood up a new program to expedite the development of potentially safe and effective life-saving treatments for COVID-19.#gov#action#Emergency··Apr 13, 2020FDA assistance in expediting COVID treatments ~FDA