Guidance and Reference Materials

Guidance and Reference Materials

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DrugBank Online | Database for Drug and Drug Target Info
DrugBank Online | Database for Drug and Drug Target Info
Access the world’s pharmaceutical knowledge database. Information on drugs, drug targets, and more, used by researchers and health professionals globally.
DrugBank Online | Database for Drug and Drug Target Info
Air Enforcement | US EPA
Air Enforcement | US EPA
Information about enforcement of the clean air act. Covers mobile and stationary sources, as well as compliance monitoring and assurance.
Air Enforcement | US EPA
Researchers at Work | US EPA
Researchers at Work | US EPA
Use this page to find EPA researchers by their research area and learn more about them and their work.
Researchers at Work | US EPA
yan yiqiang: pay attention to the safety of chlorine dioxide in dry winter - tianjin zhangda science and technology development co., ltd
yan yiqiang: pay attention to the safety of chlorine dioxide in dry winter - tianjin zhangda science and technology development co., ltd
****!!!!****!!!!**** {Excellent precautions and instructions for sodium chlorite safety practices} Sodium chlorite solutions in contact with acids, bases, organic materials, reducing agents or chlorine donors will produce chlorine dioxide gas. Therefore, sodium chlorite solutions need to be stored away from these materials, secondary sealing systems are used to prevent splashing on these materials, clear labeling and marking, and training to adopt the correct unloading process. Special protective measures should be taken during loading and unloading to ensure that non-sodium chlorite substances are not loaded into sodium chlorite storage equipment. Precautions include clear labeling and color-distinguished connectors, connector locking of connectors connecting storage tanks, so operators or suppliers of sodium chlorite must be present during the filling process and be vigilant. Dry sodium chlorite is a strong oxidant that can easily catch fire when heated or rubbed. Special care should be taken to these containers, which are not allowed to evaporate and dry containers with sodium chlorite residues. The treatment of sodium chlorite leakage should be equally careful, and it is not allowed to use absorbent clogging or drying treatment. If sodium chlorite and sodium chlorate are dried on cloth, wood or other flammable materials, a fire may occur. There was an accident in which a small amount of sodium chlorite was contaminated by workers wearing cotton gloves for sodium chlorite, which later ignited. Sodium chlorite and sodium chlorate should be stored away from flammable materials, ppE should be used in hazardous locations where sodium chlorite is present, and workers should be trained. On the other hand, the risk of personnel being exposed to chlorine dioxide gas should be taken seriously. Chlorine dioxide should not be used in confined places where careful monitoring and control is not carried out"
yan yiqiang: pay attention to the safety of chlorine dioxide in dry winter - tianjin zhangda science and technology development co., ltd
California Ingredient Declaration • Closure Clean
California Ingredient Declaration • Closure Clean
Order Part Number Description Chemical Name CAS # Category Lists of Chemicals of Concern 1 CC25-100 CLOSURE CLEAN FR BULK 100/25G Chlorine dioxide 10049-04-4 Deodorizer 4, 20 2 CC25-100 CLOSURE CLEAN FR BULK 100/25G Citric acid 77-92-9 Acidulant   3 CC25-100 CLOSURE CLEAN FR BULK 100/25G Sodium chlorite 7758-19-2 Oxidizing Agent 4 4 CC25-100 CLOSURE …
California Ingredient Declaration • Closure Clean
Meeting California Toxics Rule Limitations on Disinfection Byproducts by Use of Chlorine Dioxide for Effluent Disinfection - Brown and Caldwell
Meeting California Toxics Rule Limitations on Disinfection Byproducts by Use of Chlorine Dioxide for Effluent Disinfection - Brown and Caldwell
The California Toxics Rule (CTR) provisions of the City of San Luis Obispo Water Reclamation’s Facilities National Pollutant Discharge Elimination...
Meeting California Toxics Rule Limitations on Disinfection Byproducts by Use of Chlorine Dioxide for Effluent Disinfection - Brown and Caldwell
Control of fire blight with chlorine dioxide/sodium chlorite ~AquaClear chlorine dioxide
Control of fire blight with chlorine dioxide/sodium chlorite ~AquaClear chlorine dioxide
{Includes Food Code recommendations for on-site generation of antimicrobials } "Proposed Tolerance Amendment: 40 CFR 180.1070 -Sodium chlorite is exempted from the requirement of a tolerance for residues when ... *** (b) used as a microbiocide in accordance with good agricultural practice on the growing crops pome fruit, stone fruit, tree nut, and grape." ***
Control of fire blight with chlorine dioxide/sodium chlorite ~AquaClear chlorine dioxide
Pesticide Devices: A Guide for Consumers | US EPA
Pesticide Devices: A Guide for Consumers | US EPA
****!!!!****!!!!**** "Pesticide application equipment that is sold separately from the pesticide itself is not a device or a pesticide. For example, a sprayer for a lawn herbicide that is sold separately from the herbicide is considered to be application equipment, which EPA does not regulate." "Device producers or registrants should see our Pesticide Registration Manual, Chapter 13 for information."
Pesticide Devices: A Guide for Consumers | US EPA
Use of Disinfectants and Sanitizers in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Systems | US EPA
Use of Disinfectants and Sanitizers in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Systems | US EPA
"To support an application for such a registration or amendment to a registration, adequate and appropriate directions for HVAC&R system use should be submitted and include specific proposed directions for use addressing the following:" "We recommend that you advise your members not to apply disinfectant, sanitizer or other antimicrobial products to treat HVAC&R systems if such product does not include specific directions for HVAC&R use."
Use of Disinfectants and Sanitizers in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Systems | US EPA