Upper Respiratory Fungal Infections that Affect Chickens - Shagbark Bantams
{Nebulization of chickens} "Once the birds inhale Oxine, it works as a disinfectant to kill the growing fungus in the trachea and lungs by direct contact... The only time Oxine won’t work is if it’s administered after the bird’s own defenses have ‘walled off’ the fungus (put a coating over it to isolate it from the healthy cells)." [Note: Would this be a biofilm chlorine dioxide actually can penetrate?] "Oxine has also been proven to virtually eliminate avian influenza from a select group of turkey houses." "It will even kill the airborne mold spores as you fog. It also has a residual disinfecting effect"
Backyard Poultry Forum • View topic - Respiratory Infections - new product from Zydox (like Oxine)
"...Worked with their company scientist to produce a ready-to-use product just for the purposes of fogging poultry. As yet it is unnamed but will come out in 5 litre containers AND Derrick at Zydox is working to source an affordable yet efficient hand held fogger"
Patent: Chlorine dioxide gas for use in treating respiratory virus infection ~Ogata, Taiko
****!!!!***!!!!**** (2014) {Disinfection in room air; or Treatment inside body of person through inhalation. Includes **valuable** study of different ClO2 air concentrations being administered to mice in different timings after being exposed to flu virus.} "chlorine dioxide gas, even at an extremely low concentration of e.g. 0.05 to 0.1 ppm, is capable of deactivating virus or depriving its infectability" " In some of the experiments, however, the introduction of chlorine dioxide gas was effected with delays relative to the introduction of the virus-containing aerosol... to check whether the chlorine dioxide gas can prevent onset of viral disease resulting from the virus which has entered the lungs already."