Inhaled Treatments

Inhaled Treatments

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MMS Non-Oral Methods
MMS Non-Oral Methods
{Many treatment routes: bath, footbath, topical (unactivated), fumes on skin, skin spray, IV, enema, inhaling fumes, misting machine, eye drops, gargling, douche, gas immersion in bag}
MMS Non-Oral Methods
Enhanced acetylcholinesterase Activity of the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella, Under Chlorine Dioxide Treatment and Altered Negative Phototaxis Behavior ~Korean Journal of Applied Entomology
Enhanced acetylcholinesterase Activity of the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella, Under Chlorine Dioxide Treatment and Altered Negative Phototaxis Behavior ~Korean Journal of Applied Entomology
"Any molecular target of the oxidative stress induced by chlorine dioxide has been not known in insects. This study assessed an enzyme activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) as a molecular target of chlorine dioxide in the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella. AChE activities were varied among developmental stages of P. interpunctella. Injection of chlorine dioxide with lethality-causing doses significantly increased AChE activity of the fifth instar larvae of P. interpunctella. Exposure of the larvae to chlorine dioxide fumigant also significantly increased AChE activity. The fifth instar larvae of P. interpunctella exhibited a negative phototaxis. However, chlorine dioxide treatment significantly interrupted the innate behavior."
Enhanced acetylcholinesterase Activity of the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella, Under Chlorine Dioxide Treatment and Altered Negative Phototaxis Behavior ~Korean Journal of Applied Entomology
Effect of flow rate, humidifier dome and water volume on maximising heated, humidified gas use for neonatal resuscitation - PubMed
Effect of flow rate, humidifier dome and water volume on maximising heated, humidified gas use for neonatal resuscitation - PubMed
We suggest the set-up to achieve optimal temperature and humidity for resuscitation purposes is 10L/min of gas flow, a MR290 humidification chamber, and 30mL of water.
Effect of flow rate, humidifier dome and water volume on maximising heated, humidified gas use for neonatal resuscitation - PubMed
Effect of aerosol particles generated by ultrasonic humidifiers on the lung in mouse
Effect of aerosol particles generated by ultrasonic humidifiers on the lung in mouse
*[How test mineral content of local tap water?] Ultrasonic humidifiers silently generate water droplets as a cool fog and produce most of the dissolved minerals in the fog in the form of an aerosolized “white dust.” However, the health effect of these airborne particles is largely unknown. ...
Effect of aerosol particles generated by ultrasonic humidifiers on the lung in mouse
COVID MMS suggested dosing? - MMSFORUM
COVID MMS suggested dosing? - MMSFORUM
{Various body treatments} “Nebulizing Treatment” using 40 ppm to treat respiratory infections: 40 ppm for 5 minutes each session, inhaling through nose and mouth into lungs. Also spend an additional couple of seconds directing the mist towards the eyes and then about 10 to 15 seconds into and around each ear. Do this 8 to 10 times a day, until infection clears.
COVID MMS suggested dosing? - MMSFORUM
MMS Lung Treatment Protocol - JA Health Advocate
MMS Lung Treatment Protocol - JA Health Advocate
​It is important to note that this protocol must be followed explicitly . Please make sure you read this protocol all the way through a couple of times, and that you have a clear understanding of...
MMS Lung Treatment Protocol - JA Health Advocate
Chlorine Dioxide Inhalation Therapies - Page 2 - MMSFORUM - MMS Forum Jim Humble Master Mineral Solution Miracle Mineral Solution Discussion - MMSFORUM.IO
Chlorine Dioxide Inhalation Therapies - Page 2 - MMSFORUM - MMS Forum Jim Humble Master Mineral Solution Miracle Mineral Solution Discussion - MMSFORUM.IO
Jim advised the "careful" use of inhaling chlorine dioxide from activating MMS1 for lung and nasal...The nebulizer did not help my lung congestion or asthma. When I used MMS either activated or unactivated, it made my asthma worse, so I would just be very careful. I tried DMSO in the nebulizer too and it had no effect either positive or negative.The best thing for my lungs has been CDS and MMS2.
Chlorine Dioxide Inhalation Therapies - Page 2 - MMSFORUM - MMS Forum Jim Humble Master Mineral Solution Miracle Mineral Solution Discussion - MMSFORUM.IO
Nebulized Peroxide « Daily Truth Pills
Nebulized Peroxide « Daily Truth Pills
This is a hypothesis of the functions of peroxide. When we are young, we burn a very hot metabolic fire with high utilization of oxygen. With age we accumulate toxins, drugs, allergies, and infecti…
Nebulized Peroxide « Daily Truth Pills
{Nebulization with MMS} ...both in 70's have COPD, aunt is on oxygen, what is best protocol to try and help them both?
Backyard Poultry Forum • View topic - Respiratory Infections - new product from Zydox (like Oxine)
Backyard Poultry Forum • View topic - Respiratory Infections - new product from Zydox (like Oxine)
"...Worked with their company scientist to produce a ready-to-use product just for the purposes of fogging poultry. As yet it is unnamed but will come out in 5 litre containers AND Derrick at Zydox is working to source an affordable yet efficient hand held fogger"
Backyard Poultry Forum • View topic - Respiratory Infections - new product from Zydox (like Oxine)
Production of Inhalable Submicrometer Aerosols from Conventional Mesh Nebulizers for Improved Respiratory Drug Delivery
Production of Inhalable Submicrometer Aerosols from Conventional Mesh Nebulizers for Improved Respiratory Drug Delivery
Submicrometer and nanoparticle aerosols may significantly improve the delivery efficiency, dissolution characteristics, and bioavailability of inhaled pharmaceuticals. The objective of this study was to explore the formation of submicrometer and nanometer ...
Production of Inhalable Submicrometer Aerosols from Conventional Mesh Nebulizers for Improved Respiratory Drug Delivery
" antibiotic was administered via an atomizer, which increases environmen-tal contamination as well as decreases concentrations in the lung." "Currently, inhaled antibiotics are delivered through a ventilator circuit directly to the patient with an expiratory filter to capture the antibiotic droplets. "
Inhaled Antibiotics for Hospital-Acquired and Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia ~Infectious Diseases Society
Inhaled Antibiotics for Hospital-Acquired and Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia ~Infectious Diseases Society
Only 3 antibiotics approved in US for inhalable treatment. Europe has also approved one dry powder. None for Hospital-Acquired or Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia. "We recommend that off-label use of inhaled antibiotics be evaluated for approval by the healthcare facility’s pharmacy and therapeutics committee in collaboration with the respiratory care department. Consideration should be given to provid-ing off-label inhaled antibiotics for use under an FDA investigational new drug application and with approval from the healthcare facility’s institutional review board. " "antibiotic was administered via an atomizer, which increases environmental contamination as well as decreases concentrations in the lung." "Currently, inhaled antibiotics are delivered through a ventilator circuit directly to the patient with an expiratory filter to capture the antibiotic droplets. "
Inhaled Antibiotics for Hospital-Acquired and Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia ~Infectious Diseases Society
Nebulized antibiotics in mechanically ventilated patients: roadmap and challenges - PubMed
Nebulized antibiotics in mechanically ventilated patients: roadmap and challenges - PubMed
***** "The safety of nebulization of antibiotics has been proven in numerous studies; efficacy as adjunctive treatment to intravenous regimens or as monotherapy has been demonstrated in ventilator-associated pneumonia or ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis"
Nebulized antibiotics in mechanically ventilated patients: roadmap and challenges - PubMed
Inhaled Antibiotics for Ventilator-Associated Infections - PubMed
Inhaled Antibiotics for Ventilator-Associated Infections - PubMed
"Intensivists in countries with high rates of extensively drug-resistant bacteria are turning to inhaled antibiotics as adjunctive therapy. These drugs can provide high concentrations of drug in the lung that could not be achieved with intravenous antibiotics without significant systemic toxicity. This article summarizes current evidence describing the use of inhaled antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial ventilator-associated pneumonia and ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis. Preliminary data suggest aerosolized antimicrobials may effectively treat resistant pathogens with high minimum inhibitory concentrations. "
Inhaled Antibiotics for Ventilator-Associated Infections - PubMed
Reply to Daniels et al. | Clinical Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic
Reply to Daniels et al. | Clinical Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic
2017 *** "The use of off-label inhaled medication in the intensive care unit is being driven by the paucity of effective options. We stand by our suggestion that physicians use adjunctive nebulized antibiotics to treat VAP..." "Currently there are no approved inhaled antibiotics for inhaled antibiotics to treat hospital-acquired (HAP) and ****ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). However, sometimes medicines designed for intravenous use are administered through nebulization/inhalation." "In earlier study, antibiotic was given through atomizer, which increases environmental contamination as well as decreases concentrations in the lung." "Currently, inhaled antibiotics are delivered through a ventilator circuit directly to the patient with an expiratory filter to capture the antibiotic droplets. A recent investigation of a proprietary inhaled amikacin found concentrations in ambient air were below detection. There are no other reports of worsening antimicrobial resistance due to inhaled antibiotic therapy"
Reply to Daniels et al. | Clinical Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic
Exposure to Chlorine Dioxide Gas for 4 Hours Renders Syphacia (pinworm) Ova Nonviable
Exposure to Chlorine Dioxide Gas for 4 Hours Renders Syphacia (pinworm) Ova Nonviable
"We collected Syphacia ova by perianal cellophane tape impression of pinworm-infected mice. Tapes with attached ova were ..." "Exposure to chlorine dioxide gas for 4 h rendered 100% of Syphacia spp. ova nonviable." Used the Minidox-M Decontamination System (ClorDiSys). "Between treatment groups, relative humidity ranged from 52% to 67%, and temperatures ranged from 23 to 26 °C. Chlorine dioxide gas was delivered to the chamber until a concentration of 1 mg/L (360 ppm [**Researcher note: I believe this calculation has formulaic errors]) was reached. The exposure periods were calculated by multiplying the desired ppm by the exposure period in hours. For all exposures, the concentration of chlorine dioxide gas was maintained at 1 mg/L and the exposure periods ended when specific Ct (ppm x hour) dosages were achieved."
Exposure to Chlorine Dioxide Gas for 4 Hours Renders Syphacia (pinworm) Ova Nonviable
MMS & Coronavirus - Page 4 - MMSFORUM - MMS Forum Jim Humble Master Mineral Solution Miracle Mineral Solution Discussion - MMSFORUM.IO
MMS & Coronavirus - Page 4 - MMSFORUM - MMS Forum Jim Humble Master Mineral Solution Miracle Mineral Solution Discussion - MMSFORUM.IO
"It seems there's a doctor saying if she got coronavirus she would do MMS using nebulizer inhalation for her lungs." "I used the nebulizing method a few years ago for a chest infection I got from moving house. I had a lot of green hard phlem in my lungs and the MMS first took away the infection and changed it to clear then cleared it up altogether within about 4 days from memory. I mixed the MMS with lemon juice as the activator and put that in the cup of the nebulizer. I then added 5ml of saline solution, I used the small plastic vials you can buy - modudose saline solution for inhalation."
MMS & Coronavirus - Page 4 - MMSFORUM - MMS Forum Jim Humble Master Mineral Solution Miracle Mineral Solution Discussion - MMSFORUM.IO
oxine A H for pigeon health | Pigeon-Talk
oxine A H for pigeon health | Pigeon-Talk
Just visited a fellow pigeon breeder friend. He was telling me how his birds are just so much more healthier then in the past. He was told and started usin Oxine A h. in a mist form in his loft...
oxine A H for pigeon health | Pigeon-Talk