The possibilities of reducing oral pathogen microorganisms, the dental use of chlorine dioxide
*****!!!**** {Solumium} "High purity ClO2 solution is significantly more effective than CHX, NaOCl and Listerine in case of aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria and Candida." "Titrations showed that ***dentin powder depleted the ClO2 *** amount to 70% by the end of the first minute. This means, that minimum 40 ppm ClO2 remained of the 66 ppm. The reduction of ClO2 did not stop at any intermediate stage, but continued until chloride,till the end of the reaction" "The high purity ClO2 has no pulp tissue dissolving effect." "In vivo, high purity ClO2 solution significantly decreases the salivary S. mutans and total bacteria count even after one rinse" "ClO2does not interact with the CHX and does not increase the amount of toxic PCA found inCHX, so their simultaneous use is secure in the root canal" "There was no significant change in the number of S. mutans, L acidophilus and C.
albicans" "ClO2 solution is significantly more effective than other currently used disinfectants in case of aerobic, facultative anaerobic bacteria (E. faecalis, S. mutans) and Candida."