Member organizations worldwide ~ASHRAE Associate Society Alliance

Other Air Treatments
Other relevant organizations ~ASHRAE Associate Society Alliance
ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force Established ~ASHRAE
Does AHRAE's guidance agree with guidance from WHO and CDC?
May 28, 2020. Re. aerosol transmissi
Venta Accessories - Enhance Your Airwasher
Will an air cleaner or air purifier help protect me and my family from COVID-19 in my home? | US EPA
Learn about air purifiers and coronavirus (COVID-19.
Mist disinfection system - All medical device manufacturers - Videos
Find your mist disinfection system easily amongst the 26 products from the leading brands (Hygeco, ...) on MedicalExpo, the medical equipment specialist for your professional purchases.
Hygienic air humidification -The battle against biofilm -by Condair company
It is vital to prevent the formation of biofilm right from the start. Indeed, stopping biofilm from forming is the key to hygienic humidification.
Humidity Levels in ORs ~Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation
{Organizations that regulate. Analysis of reasons for humidity guidelines} Dear Rapid Response: At our institution, we recently encountered an issue with our HVAC system that left the operating room humidity at approximately 70%. Our operating rooms were closed because...
Humidity as a non-pharmaceutical intervention for influenza A
Influenza is a global problem infecting 5–10% of adults and 20–30% of children annually. Non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) are attractive approaches to complement vaccination in the prevention and reduction of influenza. Strong cyclical ...
humidifiers: Topics by
Humidifier Care Tips -Is bleach safe in humidifiers?
Humidifier Capacity Calculator
*Also Air Change Calculations that are very different from other websites' references
Humidification to reduce respiratory illnesses in nursery school children
Study of respiratory infections in nursery school children in humidified and non-humidified environments. Humidification to 50%RH reduced infections by half.
How to Calculate Air Changes Per Hour | Hunker
Fans are rated by how many cubic feet per minute the fan is capable of cycling. You can determine the number of air changes per hour if you know the capacity of the fan, convert that figure to cubic feet per hour, and compare that to the volume of the room.
How much ventilation do I need in my home to improve indoor air quality? | US EPA
The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineering (ASHRAE recommends (in its Standard 62-1999, "Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality") that homes receive .35 air changes per hour, but not less than 15 cubic feet pe
How Many Humidifiers Do I Need? Check Out This Simple Table Guide! (Tables Included!)
How many humidifiers do i need? Usually, we need at least two humidifiers at home, one for the living room and another for the bedroom, because these are the spaces we often stay. Indoor humidity varies in every room area and with the season. During the winter season, there is less moisture in the air that causes everything to be dry, uncomfortable, and stressful.
Hospital Indoor Air Quality -105354 a guide to best practices in
IAQ is a significant issue in health care. A patient ill with a respiratory infection can spread dangerous microbes to other patients, staff, and visitors. Yet, it’s easy to understand the steps required to establish, monitor, and maintain safe, comfortable air quality.
Home remedies: healthy use of humidifiers
Humidifiers can ease problems caused by dry air. Dry sinuses, bloody noses and cracked lips — humidifiers can help soothe these familiar problems
Guide to Measurement of Humidity
Guidance Standards docs re. Ventilation & Energy Efficiency ~ASHRAE
for Humidifier: Protec PC-1 Antimicrobial Cleaning Cartridge, 2 Pack.
FDA Reminds Patients that Devices Claiming to Clean, Disinfect or Sanitize CPAP Machines Using Ozone Gas or UV Light Have Not Been FDA Authorized ~FDA
FDA informs patients and providers that devices claiming to clean, disinfect or sanitize CPAPs or accessories using ozone gas or UV light are not legally market
Experimental Measurements and Numerical Simulations of Particle Transport and Distribution in Ventilated Rooms
Essick Air 1970 Humidifier, 1-Quart Bacteriostatic Treatment-(2)
EPA Controlling Pollutants and Sources: Indoor Air Quality Design Tools for Schools | US EPA
To protect indoor environmental quality the designer should understand indoor air quality problems and seek to eliminate potential sources of contamination that originate from outdoors as well as indoors.
Effects of personalized ventilation interventions on airborne infection risk and transmission between occupants
The role of personalized ventilation (PV) in protecting against airborne disease transmission between occupants was evaluated by considering two scenarios with different PV alignments. The possibility that PV may facilitate the transport of exhaled pathogens ...
Dirty Humidifiers May Cause Health Problems ~Consumer Product Safety Commission
Diffusers & Humidifiers -differences
An Aromatherapy Diffuser enhances your mood and general psychological well being. A Humidifier helps make your living area more humid, healthy and comfortable, A machine can be both a diffuser and humidifier all in one.
COVID-19: News and Resources to Address Concerns ~ASHRAE
ASHRAE Resources Available to Address COVID-19 Concerns. (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers)