Cool Mist Humidifier: Adding Humidity Where it Counts
{Explanations of different humidifiers, esp whole-house} Cool mist humidifier benefits tend to outweigh those of the warm mist variety, and cool mist versions are typically more popular.
Control and Management of Hospital Indoor Air Quality
Effective IAQ monitoring methods and mitigation measures suitable for the hospital environment have been identified. Accordingly, strategies for the implementation of a hospital indoor air quality management system are recommended. Healthcare workers, hospital engineers, and administrative staff can …
Can air purifiers protect you from the coronavirus
{Ways to improve home air quality.} This virus is transferred from person-to-person and can be airborne. You might think an air purifier could reduce exposure. Let’s check out
Airborne SARS-CoV-2 Is Rapidly Inactivated by Simulated Sunlight - PubMed
July 2020. Aerosols represent a potential transmission route of COVID-19. This study examined effect of simulated sunlight, relative humidity, and suspension matrix on stability of SARS-CoV-2 in aerosols. Simulated sunlight and matrix significantly affected decay rate of the virus. Relative humidity alone did …
An air sanitizer is a sanitizer that acts on airborne microbiological organisms or microorganisms. In the United States, a sanitizer is a disinfectant that is intended to disinfect or sanitize, reducing or mitigating growth or development of microbiological organisms including bacteria, fungi or viruses on inanimate surfaces in the household, institutional, and/or commercial environment and whose labeled directions for use result in the product being discharged to publicly owned treatment works (POTWs).[1]
Air purification system based on plants -India's Best Natural Air Purifier & Sanitizer Online ~Oxygarden
Oxygarden introduces India's 1st & Best Air Sanitizer that Purifies and Humidifies Air Naturally as an alternative to the conventional Air Purifier Online "This medium is treated with activated charcoal to ensure that any pollutants, allergens, mounld or fugus do not go untreated"
Air cleaning technologies: an evidence-based analysis - PubMed
There were no existing health technology assessments on air cleaning technology located during the literature review. The literature search yielded 59 citations of which none were retained. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)
7 Useful Tips for Using A Humidifier! - TaoTronics Blog
We've got all the info you need for getting the most out of your humidifier - read on for our best tips for using a humidifier including where to place it!
Commonly used during flu season, humidifiers are easy to use incorrectly. Here are five of the most common mistakes people make when using a humidifier.
A combined outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease and Pontiac fever related to an ultrasonic humidifier contaminated with Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1, Nanjing City, China, 2012
Background: On June 14, 2012, more than ten female workers from factory L were reported for illness with fever, chest tightness, myalgia, and non-productive cough within 1 day in Nanjing City, China. To verify and control the outbreak, we conducted this epidemiological investigation. Methods: A face to face interview was used for the case finding and information collecting, and conducted to the total of 45 staffs by a structured questionnaire. Urine samples from all cases were collected and tested for Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 (LP1) antigen, and five sera samples were tested for Le...
?Required? CMS & other organization standards & guidance for Indoor air quality in hospitals
Learning objectives Understand what defines indoor air quality (IAQ). Learn why IAQ is an important factor in hospitals and health care facilities. Learn what