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Chlorine Dioxide (Includes Sodium chlorite) Amended Final Work Plan Registration Review Case 4023
Chlorine Dioxide (Includes Sodium chlorite) Amended Final Work Plan Registration Review Case 4023
(2017 Sept.) Situations that resulted in excessive concentrations: "product was added to chiller water used to process poultry carcasses. The application rate was too high given that no carcasses were being processed and the excess chlorine dioxide was released into the workroom air" "steam arose from the surfaces" "Product reacted with biofilm in water system resulting in release of gas." {Also, malfunctions of generation, sensing and/or dosing in systems} " residential RfC of 0.05 ppm" "maximum value of 13 ppm measured at one foot from the source exceeds the NIOSH IDLH of 5 pm and the AEGL-3 value of 3 ppm... risks will be severe or even life threatening if they are within one foot of the source"
Chlorine Dioxide (Includes Sodium chlorite) Amended Final Work Plan Registration Review Case 4023
Determination of Noncancer Chronic Reference Exposure Levels, Appendix D3: Chlorine Dioxide ~OEHHA 2008
Determination of Noncancer Chronic Reference Exposure Levels, Appendix D3: Chlorine Dioxide ~OEHHA 2008
****!!!!****!!!! "Chlorine dioxide is used directly as a bleaching agent for cellulose, textiles, flour, leather, oils, and beeswax. It is also used in the purification of water and as a bactericide and antiseptic." "The annual statewide industrial emissions ... were estimated to be 1136 pounds of chlorine dioxide" "Case reports of human occupational exposure to chlorine dioxide have shown that 19 ppm was fatal to one worker and 5 ppm was definitely irritating. Seven out of 12 workers exposed regularly to chlorine dioxide at levels generally below 0.1 ppm (0.28 mg/m3) reported symptoms of ocular and respiratory irritation leading to slight bronchitis. However, the authors ascribed the bronchitis to occasional acute excursions of chlorine dioxide levels"
Determination of Noncancer Chronic Reference Exposure Levels, Appendix D3: Chlorine Dioxide ~OEHHA 2008
Sodium chlorite - Wikipedia
Sodium chlorite - Wikipedia
"Acidified sodium chlorite: Mixing sodium chlorite solution with a weak food-grade acid solution (commonly citric acid), both stable, produces short-lived acidified sodium chlorite (ASC) which has potent decontaminating properties. Upon mixing the main active ingredient, chlorous acid is produced in equilibrium with chlorite anion. The proportion varies with pH, temperature, and other factors, ranging from approximately 5–35% chlorous acid with 65–95% chlorite; more acidic solutions result in a higher proportion of chlorous acid. Chlorous acid breaks down to chlorine dioxide which in turn breaks down to chlorite anion and ultimately chloride anion" "Sodium chlorite is derived indirectly from sodium chlorate, NaClO3. First, sodium chlorate is reduced to chlorine dioxide, typically in a strong acid solution using reducing agents such as sodium sulfite, sulfur dioxide, or hydrochloric acid. This intermediate is then absorbed into a solution of aqueous sodium hydroxide where another reducing agent converts it to sodium chlorite. Even hydrogen peroxide can be used as the reducing agent, giving oxygen gas as its byproduct rather than other inorganic salts or materials that could contaminate the desired product."
Sodium chlorite - Wikipedia
Alternative Disinfectants and Oxidants Guidance Manual ~April 1999 - EPA
Alternative Disinfectants and Oxidants Guidance Manual ~April 1999 - EPA
1999 "studies have shown that pH has much less effect on pathogen inactivationfor viruses and cysts with chlorine dioxide than with chlorine in the pH range of 6 to 8.5. Unlikechlorine, studies on chlorine dioxide have shown the degree of inactivation of poliovirus 1 (Scarpinoet al., 1979) and Naegleria gruberi cysts (Chen et al., 1984) increase as the pH increases." "In the first disinfection mechanism, chlorine dioxide reacts readily with amino acids cysteine,tryptophan, and tyrosine, but not with viral ribonucleic acid (RNA)). From this research, it was concluded that chlorine dioxide inactivated viruses by altering theviral capsid proteins. However, chlorine dioxide reacts with poliovirus RNA and impairs RNA synthesis. It has also been shown that chlorine dioxide reacts with free fatty acids. At this time, it is unclear whether the primary mode ofinactivation for chlorine dioxide lies in the peripheral structures or nucleic acids. Perhaps reactions inboth regions contribute to pathogen inactivation.The second type of disinfection mechanism focuses on the effect of chlorine dioxide on physiologicalfunctions. It has been suggested that the primary mechanism for inactivation was the disruption ofprotein synthesis (Bernarde et al., 1967a). However, later studies reported the inhibition of proteinsynthesis may not be the primary inactivation mechanism. A more recent studyreported that chlorine dioxide disrupted the permeability of the outer membrane). The results of this study were supported by the findings of Olivieri et al. (1985) and Ghandbari et al. (1983), which found that the outer membrane proteins and lipids were sufficiently altered by chlorine dioxide to increase permeability"
Alternative Disinfectants and Oxidants Guidance Manual ~April 1999 - EPA
ACIDIFIED SODIUM CHLORITE (ASC) Chemical and Technical Assessment Prepared by Madduri V. Rao, Ph.D. for the 68th JECFA
ACIDIFIED SODIUM CHLORITE (ASC) Chemical and Technical Assessment Prepared by Madduri V. Rao, Ph.D. for the 68th JECFA
***** {Includes chart of residuals in treated foods} "While the chlorite ion is stable in aqueous solution, under acidic conditions, chlorite forms a semi-stable intermediate, chlorous acid (HClO2). Chlorous acid disintegrates to chlorine dioxide (ClO2), which further degrades to chlorite (ClO2 ̄) and ultimately chloride (Cl ̄) is formed. The extent of each of the degradation pathways and thus the proportion of each of the oxy-chlorine species depends in part on the pH of the solution. Other factors such as temperature and alkalinity of the water also affect the composition of the oxy-chlorine constituents." "At a pH of 2.3, approximately 31% of chlorite (from sodium chlorite) is converted to chlorous acid" "The pH values at different concentrations of citric acid, phosphoric acid, and sodium hydrogen sulfate to prepare a 1000 mg/l sodium chlorite solution are presented in Figure 1" "The technical-grade of sodium chlorite used to prepare ASC is comprised of 80% of sodium chlorite, with sodium chloride, sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, sodium sulfate, and sodium chlorate making up the remainer of the composition." "Although levels of chlorine dioxide do not exceed 3 ppm in the solution initially, chlorine dioxide levels increase during aging of the solution." "Chlorine dioxide... is not present as a residue of the treated food-product." "Instead, the ASC solution is monitored for sodium chlorite concentration and pH, which are known to result in acceptable levels of chlorate, chlorite, and chlorine dioxide. Depending on the food application, the solution is characterized by a sodium chlorite concentration in the range of 50-150 mg/l and a pH of 2.8-3.2 or 500-1200 mg/l and a pH of 2.5-2.9."
ACIDIFIED SODIUM CHLORITE (ASC) Chemical and Technical Assessment Prepared by Madduri V. Rao, Ph.D. for the 68th JECFA
CDC - Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health Concentrations (IDLH): Chlorine dioxide - NIOSH Publications and Products
CDC - Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health Concentrations (IDLH): Chlorine dioxide - NIOSH Publications and Products
{OSHA CURRENT LIMITS} NIOSH REL: 0.1 ppm (0.3 mg/m3) TWA, 0.3 ppm (0.9 mg/m3) STEL. Current OSHA PEL: 0.1 ppm (0.3 mg/m3) TWA. 1989 OSHA PEL: 0.1 ppm (0.3 mg/m3) TWA, 0.3 ppm (0.9 mg/m3) STEL. 1993-1994 ACGIH TLV: 0.1 ppm (0.28 mg/m3) TWA, 0.3 ppm (0.83 mg/m3) STEL
CDC - Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health Concentrations (IDLH): Chlorine dioxide - NIOSH Publications and Products
Technical Report: Sodium Chlorite, for Generation of Chlorine Dioxide Gas--Handling/Processing ~National Organic Program, USDA
Technical Report: Sodium Chlorite, for Generation of Chlorine Dioxide Gas--Handling/Processing ~National Organic Program, USDA
****2018 Jan. {Very good technical info. Fumigation leaves no CD or by-product residue. Air treatments are more effective than Liquid. Includes several CD and SC trade names. Denied because of lack of public requests, available alternatives, etc.}
Technical Report: Sodium Chlorite, for Generation of Chlorine Dioxide Gas--Handling/Processing ~National Organic Program, USDA
{IRIS docs: Core 2000 doc} Toxicological Review of Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite, In Support of Summary Information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) ~IRIS, EPA
{IRIS docs: Core 2000 doc} Toxicological Review of Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite, In Support of Summary Information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) ~IRIS, EPA
2000 Sept. {Evaluating RfC, RfD, carcinogenicity. Includes **injection report.} "what exists in water or the stomach is a mixture of these chemical species (i.e., chlorine dioxide, chlorite, chlorate) and possibly their reaction products with the gastrointestinal contents." "[after gavage dosing of rats] it was not clear from these reports whether the parent chlorine dioxide itself or the chlorite, chlorate, or chloride ion degradation products were absorbed"
{IRIS docs: Core 2000 doc} Toxicological Review of Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite, In Support of Summary Information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) ~IRIS, EPA
Benefits and Risks of the Use of Chlorine-containing Disinfectants in Food Production and Food Processing ~Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting
Benefits and Risks of the Use of Chlorine-containing Disinfectants in Food Production and Food Processing ~Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting
2008 May ******* {in-depth info on concentrations, safety, efficacy & time for CD and other disinfectants} "The use of chlorine dioxide at 20 mg/l resulted in little or no difference in numbers of total aerobic bacteria on beef compared with using potable water. " "The reaction of the bromide ion (Br−) with chlorine dioxide is thermodynamically unfavourable. However, with intense sunlight and high concen-trations of chlorine dioxide, chlorine dioxide does oxidize the bromide ion to hypobromite (BrO−) and bromate (BrO3−)"
Benefits and Risks of the Use of Chlorine-containing Disinfectants in Food Production and Food Processing ~Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting
{ToxProf docs: Statement} Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite: Potential for Human Exposure ~ATSDR, CDC
{ToxProf docs: Statement} Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite: Potential for Human Exposure ~ATSDR, CDC
~2003. "Chlorine dioxide and chlorite (ions and salts) are strong oxidizers and react quickly in water or moist body tissues to form chloride ions. Consequently, chlorine dioxide and chlorite (ions and salts) are not detected in human tissues (e.g., blood, urine, fat, or breast milk). [Have some studies shown contradiction??]" " In water, chlorine dioxide is a strong oxidizer; **50–70%** of the chlorine dioxide that reacts with organic and inorganic compounds will immediately appear as chlorite (ClO2-) and chloride (Cl-) ions...chlorine dioxide does result in the formation of other DBPs (e.g., lower chlorinated organics, chlorate, and chlorite) which may be found in drinking water... ***Chlorine dioxide will decompose upon exposure to sunlight. The gas-phase absorption spectrum for chlorine dioxide is the same as in aqueous solution. The primary photochemical reaction of ClO2 in the gas phase corresponds to homolytic scission of one of the chlorine-oxygen bonds (i.e., ClO26ClO + O). Products of this initial reaction generate secondary products including doublet-state oxygen (O2*), chlorine (Cl2), and chlorine trioxide (Cl2O3) . If chlorine dioxide gas is diluted in air to below 15 volume percent, it can be relatively stable in darkness." "Chlorine dioxide alone will not hydrolyze in solution to any appreciable extent between pH 2 and 10. .." "Chlorite ions (ClO2-) are also effective oxidizing agents, although they react much slower than chlorine dioxide""Chlorine substitution in the products, however, is not entirely absent" "Under sunlight, some photolysis intermediates with long half-lives are capable of oxidizing bromide to from bromate."
{ToxProf docs: Statement} Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite: Potential for Human Exposure ~ATSDR, CDC
{IRIS docs} Chlorine dioxide; CASRN 10049-04-4, Chemical Assessment Summary ~IRIS, EPA
{IRIS docs} Chlorine dioxide; CASRN 10049-04-4, Chemical Assessment Summary ~IRIS, EPA
********!!!!!!********** {Safe levels. 2000 is most recent date noted.} "...chlorine dioxide rapidly disappeared from the stored water (within 2-4 hours) and water chlorite concentrations concomitantly increased. Once absorbed, chlorine dioxide and chlorite are cleared from the blood at similar rates and are similarly distributed throughout the body .. Additionally, chloride is the major in vivo degradation product for chlorine dioxide, chlorite, and chlorate. The available data suggest that chlorine dioxide and chlorite have similar targets of toxicity and potencies. Therefore, the toxicity information for chlorite is relevant to deriving an RfD for chlorine dioxide." Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)
{IRIS docs} Chlorine dioxide; CASRN 10049-04-4, Chemical Assessment Summary ~IRIS, EPA
WHO~ Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 37: Chlorine Dioxide (Gas) ~WHO
WHO~ Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 37: Chlorine Dioxide (Gas) ~WHO
***!!!!**** 2002 " Some studies have been conducted via the oral route using aqueous solutions of chlorine dioxide. Several of these studies were conducted using “stabilized aqueous chlorine dioxide,” sometimes by maintaining a constant pH using sodium carbonate and sodium hydrogen carbonate. However, it is recognized that this would effectively lead to the formation of aqueous sodium chlorite (which can subsequently generate chlorine dioxide by acid dis-placement). These studies are felt to be less relevant than those using stabilized aqueous chlorine dioxide and are not summarized in this review. The reasons for this are that chlorine dioxide dissolves discretely in water (i.e., it does not dissociate into ions), forming a solution of around pH 5 or less, whereas an aqueous solution of sodium chlorite has a different, ionized composition and a pH of approximately 8. The explosive nature of this substance has limited the concentration of chlorine dioxide in aqueous solutions to a maximum of about 1% w/v" {******pg 4 -- ppm conversion info for air concentrations:} "0.1 ppm (0.28 mg/m3) 8-h time-weighted average (TWA) and 0.3 ppm (0.84 mg/m3) 15-min reference period" "It is predicted thatdermal exposure from contact with the aqueous solution in occupational settings will range from 0.1 to 5 mg/cm2 per day" "There are no quantitative human data, but chlorine dioxide is very toxic by single inhalation exposure in rats. There were no mortalities following exposure to 16 ppm (45 mg/m3) for 4 h, although pulmonary oedema and emphysema were seen in all animals exposed to 16–46 ppm (45–129 mg/m3) chlorine dioxide,the incidence increasing in a dose-related manner. The calculated mean LC50 was 32 ppm (90 mg/m3). In another study, ocular discharge, nosebleeds, pulmonary oedema, and death occurred at 260 ppm (728 mg/m3) for 2 h. Chlorine dioxide is toxic when administered in solution by a single oral dose to rats; at 40 and 80 mg/kg bodyweight, there were signs of corrosive activity in the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. The calculated oral LD50 was 94 mg/kg body weight."
WHO~ Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 37: Chlorine Dioxide (Gas) ~WHO
WHO~ Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorite and Chlorate in Drinking Water--Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality ~WHO
WHO~ Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorite and Chlorate in Drinking Water--Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality ~WHO
**** 2017 Jan. "Any chlorine dioxide remaining at the consumer’s tap will be reduced to chlorite and chloride upon ingestion. *** Consequently, a guideline value for chlorine dioxide has not been established."..."For chlorite, JECFA established an ADIof 0–0.03mg/kg bw on the basis of the NOAEL of 3mg/kg bw per day...Using the upper bound of the chlorite ADI of 30 μg/kg bw, a typical human body weight of 60 kg, the assumption that drinking-water contributes80% of the total exposure and a typical consumption of 2 L of water per day, the provisional guideline value is calculated to be 0.7mg/L (rounded figure). This guideline value is designated as provisional because use of chlorine dioxide as a disinfectantmay result in the chlorite guideline value being exceeded, " "JECFA therefore established an ADIof 0–0.01 mg/kg bw for chlorate" "[Page 1] Conversion factor in air: 1 part per million (ppm) = 2.8 mg/m3"
WHO~ Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorite and Chlorate in Drinking Water--Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality ~WHO