Reference Documents on Relevant Chemicals

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{EPA RED docs: Core 2006 decision} Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) for Chlorine Dioxide and Sodium Chlorite (Case 4023) ~EPA
{EPA RED docs: Core 2006 decision} Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) for Chlorine Dioxide and Sodium Chlorite (Case 4023) ~EPA
2006 Aug. "Readers are referred to USEPA (2000a) for a detailed review of the effects seen at specific concentrations and exposure durations along with the derivation of the RfC."
{EPA RED docs: Core 2006 decision} Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) for Chlorine Dioxide and Sodium Chlorite (Case 4023) ~EPA
WHO~ Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorite and Chlorate in Drinking Water--Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality ~WHO
WHO~ Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorite and Chlorate in Drinking Water--Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality ~WHO
**** 2017 Jan. "Any chlorine dioxide remaining at the consumer’s tap will be reduced to chlorite and chloride upon ingestion. *** Consequently, a guideline value for chlorine dioxide has not been established."..."For chlorite, JECFA established an ADIof 0–0.03mg/kg bw on the basis of the NOAEL of 3mg/kg bw per day...Using the upper bound of the chlorite ADI of 30 μg/kg bw, a typical human body weight of 60 kg, the assumption that drinking-water contributes80% of the total exposure and a typical consumption of 2 L of water per day, the provisional guideline value is calculated to be 0.7mg/L (rounded figure). This guideline value is designated as provisional because use of chlorine dioxide as a disinfectantmay result in the chlorite guideline value being exceeded, " "JECFA therefore established an ADIof 0–0.01 mg/kg bw for chlorate" "[Page 1] Conversion factor in air: 1 part per million (ppm) = 2.8 mg/m3"
WHO~ Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorite and Chlorate in Drinking Water--Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality ~WHO
{EPA RED docs: Core 2006 document} Reregistration Eligibility Decision: Chlorine Dioxide and Sodium Chlorite ~EPA
{EPA RED docs: Core 2006 document} Reregistration Eligibility Decision: Chlorine Dioxide and Sodium Chlorite ~EPA
2006 core document. "Data on the mutagenicity of chlorine dioxide indicate that negative effects were reported in one study from a 400-fold drinking water concentrate of chlorine dioxide, whereas a 4000-fold concentrate was mutagenic only in the absence of metabolic activation. In another study, chlorine dioxide was positive for forward mutations under non-activated conditions. Chlorine dioxide was positive for structural chromosome aberrations under non-activated and activated conditions" "Agency has conservatively added the highest chronic dietary exposure to chlorite ion from consumption of food treated with inorganic chlorates to the total chronic dietary exposure from chlorine dioxide/sodium chlorite. This assumes that **all residues on food resulting from the use of inorganic chlorates are sodium chlorite**..l. [These numbers are] considered to be highly conservative because it is unlikely that significant chlorite residues will result from the use of inorganic chlorates on food crops."
{EPA RED docs: Core 2006 document} Reregistration Eligibility Decision: Chlorine Dioxide and Sodium Chlorite ~EPA
Chlorine dioxide CAS#: 10049-04-4
Chlorine dioxide CAS#: 10049-04-4
ChemicalBook provide Chemical industry users with Chlorine dioxide Boiling point Melting point,Chlorine dioxide Density MSDS Formula Use,If You also need to Chlorine dioxide Other information,welcome to contact us.
Chlorine dioxide CAS#: 10049-04-4
{ToxProf docs: Core Document} Toxicological Profile for Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite ~ATSDR
{ToxProf docs: Core Document} Toxicological Profile for Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite ~ATSDR
*****!!!!**** 2004 Sept. {"solid sodium chlorite is unstable and can form explosive mixtures with oxidizable materials, such as organic compounds. Chlorite ion solutions should not be allowed to dry on textiles because this may result in a flammable combination" }
{ToxProf docs: Core Document} Toxicological Profile for Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorite ~ATSDR