Understanding UV-A Irradiance, and Requirements for Various Applications
Calculators: COVID-19 Indoor Safety Guideline
See how to mitigate indoor COVID-19 transmission in different indoor spaces.
Diffusion Coefficients Gases in Water
{**MANY USEFUL CALC LINKS!} ********* Diffusion flux [kg/m2s] tells how fast a substanse solved in another substance flows due to concentration gradients. Diffusion constants [m2/s] are given for several gases in water
Ventilation Efficiency
*********The efficiency of a ventilation system may be related to temperature and/or pollution concentrations
Product Calculator | Chlorine Dioxide Store
{Note: This tool is very unspecific to environmental conditions, and cannot enable accurate dosing without significant additional calculations} Use the calculator below to determine the quantity of chlorine dioxide needed for an area in air
Conversion Calculator for “mg/m3 to ppm” or “ppm to mg/m3" ~NIOSH | CDC
{Concentrations of gases in air}
PPM mg/m3 converter for gases
This PPM to mg/m3 conversion is based on the molecular weight of the chemical and it is different for every chemical.
Air Concentration Calculations for Comparison to OSHA Standards ~CDC and OSHA
Formulas for calculating ppm & mg/m3, and sampling methods.
Measurement Conversions Reference -EPA
***Concentration (mg/m3) = 0.0409 x concentration (ppm) x molecular weight