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Poultry Farming | Zychem_Chlorine Dioxide
Poultry Farming | Zychem_Chlorine Dioxide
Poultry Farming. Zychem Technologies has multiple chlorine dioxide based products in wide use in poultry farms throughout Australasia.
Poultry Farming | Zychem_Chlorine Dioxide
A review on disinfection methods for inactivation of waterborne viruses
A review on disinfection methods for inactivation of waterborne viruses
Water contamination is a global health problem, and the need for safe water is ever-growing due to the public health implications of unsafe water. Contaminated water could contain pathogenic bacteria, protozoa, and viruses that are implicated in several debilitating human diseases. The prevalence and survival of waterborne viruses differ from bacteria and other waterborne microorganisms. In addition, viruses are responsible for more severe waterborne diseases such as gastroenteritis, myocarditis, and encephalitis among others, hence the need for dedicated attention to viral inactivation. Disinfection is vital to water treatment because it removes pathogens, including viruses. The commonly used methods and techniques of disinfection for viral inactivation in water comprise physical disinfection such as membrane filtration, ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, and conventional chemical processes such as chlorine, monochloramine, chlorine dioxide, and ozone among others. However, the production of disinfection by-products (DBPs) that accompanies chemical methods of disinfection is an issue of great concern due to the increase in the risks of harm to humans, for example, the development of cancer of the bladder and adverse reproductive outcomes. Therefore, this review examines the conventional disinfection approaches alongside emerging disinfection technologies, such as photocatalytic disinfection, cavitation, and electrochemical disinfection. Moreover, the merits, limitations, and l...
A review on disinfection methods for inactivation of waterborne viruses
Chlorine dioxide-based oxidation processes for water purification:A review - PubMed
Chlorine dioxide-based oxidation processes for water purification:A review - PubMed
Chlorine dioxide (ClOsub2/sub) has emerged as a broad-spectrum, safe, and effective disinfectant due to its high oxidation efficiency and reduced formation of organochlorinated by-products during application. This article provides an updated overview of ClOsub2/sub-based oxidation processes …
Chlorine dioxide-based oxidation processes for water purification:A review - PubMed
Best Water Purification Tablets of 2023
Best Water Purification Tablets of 2023
Stay safe while hunting, fishing, and camping in the backcountry with water purification tablets that allow you to drink safely from streams.
Best Water Purification Tablets of 2023
Clean water ~Henry in the Woods
Clean water ~Henry in the Woods
{How to treat stream water with chlorine dioxide when camping}
Clean water ~Henry in the Woods
Algal toxicity of the alternative disinfectants performic acid (PFA), peracetic acid (PAA), chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and their by-products hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and chlorite (ClO2−)
Algal toxicity of the alternative disinfectants performic acid (PFA), peracetic acid (PAA), chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and their by-products hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and chlorite (ClO2−)
Environmental effect evaluation of disinfection of combined sewer overflow events with alternative chemical disinfectants requires that the environmen…
Algal toxicity of the alternative disinfectants performic acid (PFA), peracetic acid (PAA), chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and their by-products hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and chlorite (ClO2−)
Chlorite formation during ClO2 oxidation of model compounds having various functional groups and humic substances
Chlorite formation during ClO2 oxidation of model compounds having various functional groups and humic substances
ClO2 oxidation of amines, di- and tri-hydroxybenzenes at pH 7.0 had ClO2- yields 50%, while oxidation of olefins, thiols and benzoquinones had ClO2- yields 50%. ClO2- yields from humic substances depended on the ClO2 dose, pH and varied with different reaction intervals, which mirrored the behavior of the model compounds. Phenolic moieties served as dominant fast-reacting precursors (during the first 5 min of disinfection). Aromatic precursors (e.g., non-phenolic lignins or benzoquinones) contributed to ClO2- formation over longer reaction time (up to 24 h). The total antioxidant capacity (indication of the amount of electron-donating moieties) determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu method was a good indicator of ClO2-reactive precursors in waters, which correlated with the ClO2 demand of waters. Waters bearing high total antioxidant capacity tended to generate more ClO2- at equivalent ClO2 exposure, but the prediction in natural water should be conservative."
Chlorite formation during ClO2 oxidation of model compounds having various functional groups and humic substances
Effects of reductive inorganics and NOM on the formation of chlorite in the chlorine dioxide disinfection of drinking water
Effects of reductive inorganics and NOM on the formation of chlorite in the chlorine dioxide disinfection of drinking water
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) disinfection usually does not produce halogenated disinfection by-products, but the formation of the inorganic by-product chlorite (ClO2-) is a serious consideration. In this study, the ClO2- formation rule in the ClO2 disinfection of drinking water was investigated in the presence of three representative reductive inorganics and four natural organic matters (NOMs), respectively. Fe2+ and S2- mainly reduced ClO2 to ClO2- at low concentrations. When ClO2 was consumed, the ClO2- would be further reduced by Fe2+ and S2-, leading to the decrease of ClO2-. The reaction efficiency of Mn2+ with ClO2 was lower than that of Fe2+ and S2-. It might be the case that MnO2 generated by the reaction between Mn2+ and ClO2 had adsorption and catalytic oxidation on Mn2+. However, Mn2+ would not reduce ClO2-. Among the four NOMs, humic acid and fulvic acid reacted with ClO2 actively, followed by bovine serum albumin, while sodium alginate had almost no reaction with ClO2. The maximum ClO2- yields of reductive inorganics (70%) was higher than that of NOM (around 60%). The lower the concentration of reductive substances, the more ClO2- could be produced by per unit concentration of reductive substances. The results of the actual water samples showed that both reductive inorganics and NOM played an important role in the formation of ClO2- in disinfection."
Effects of reductive inorganics and NOM on the formation of chlorite in the chlorine dioxide disinfection of drinking water
Formation of disinfection byproducts upon chlorine dioxide preoxidation followed by chlorination or chloramination of natural organic matter
Formation of disinfection byproducts upon chlorine dioxide preoxidation followed by chlorination or chloramination of natural organic matter
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is often used as an oxidant to remove taste, odor and color during water treatment. Due to the concerns of the chlorite formation, chlorination or chloramination is often applied after ClO2 preoxidation. We investigated the formation of regulated and emerging disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in sequential ClO2-chlorination and ClO2-chloramination processes. To clarify the relationship between the formation of DBPs and the characteristics of natural organic matter (NOM), changes in the properties of NOM before and after ClO2 oxidation were characterized by fluorescence, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and size and resin fractionation techniques. ClO2 preoxidation destroyed the aromatic and conjugated structures of NOM and transformed large aromatic and long aliphatic chain organics to small and hydrophilic organics. Treatment with ClO2 alone did not produce significant amount of trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs), but produced chlorite. ClO2 preoxidation reduced THMs, HAAs, haloacetonitriles (HANs) and chloral hydrate (CH) during subsequent chlorination, but no reduction of THMs was observed during chloramination. Increasing ClO2 doses enhanced the reduction of most DBPs except halonitromethanes (HNMs) and haloketones (HKs). The presence of bromide increased the formation of total amount of DBPs and also shifted DBPs to more brominated ones. Bromine incorporation was higher in ClO2 treated samples. The results indicated that ClO2 preoxidation prior to chlorination is applicable for control of THM, HAA and HAN in both pristine and polluted waters, but chlorite formation is a concern and HNMs and HKs are not effectively controlled by ClO2 preoxidation.
Formation of disinfection byproducts upon chlorine dioxide preoxidation followed by chlorination or chloramination of natural organic matter
Advantages of a ClO2/NaClO combination process for controlling the disinfection by-products (DBPs) for high algae-laden water
Advantages of a ClO2/NaClO combination process for controlling the disinfection by-products (DBPs) for high algae-laden water
****!!!!****!!!! (2019) "In this study, ClO2 alone and a ClO2/NaClO combination process were carried out to evaluate the algae removal efficiency of the treatment and the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs: chlorite, chlorate, trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids) for high algae-laden water with 124.16 µg L-1 chlorophyll a (Chl.a) content. The results show that disinfection with 1.5 mg L-1 ClO2 alone results in a ClO2- concentration exceeding 0.7 mg L-1. ClO2 preoxidation/ClO2 disinfection is applicable for the control of effluent quality, but the ClO2- concentration still has an excessive risk when using 0.8 mg L-1 and 0.6 mg L-1 ClO2 for the two process, respectively. In the ClO2/NaClO combination process, the ClO2- concentration is below 0.6 mg L-1, and trihalomethane (THM) and haloacetic acid (HAA) concentrations are lower than 60% of the maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) set by the World Health Organization (WHO). Further, the formation of ClO2- is more effectively controlled by NaClO preoxidation/ClO2 disinfection than ClO2 preoxidation/NaClO disinfection."
Advantages of a ClO2/NaClO combination process for controlling the disinfection by-products (DBPs) for high algae-laden water
In Situ Formation of Free Chlorine During ClO2 Treatment: Implications on the Formation of Disinfection Byproducts
In Situ Formation of Free Chlorine During ClO2 Treatment: Implications on the Formation of Disinfection Byproducts
****!!!! "During drinking water treatment, the primary ClO2 byproducts are the chlorite (50-70%) and the chlorate ions (0-30%). However, a significant portion of the ClO2 remains unaccounted for. This study demonstrates that when ClO2 was reacting with phenol, one mole of free available chlorine (FAC) was produced per two moles of consumed ClO2. The in situ formed FAC completed the mass balance on Cl for inorganic ClO2 byproducts (FAC + ClO2- + ClO3-). When reacting with organic matter extracts at near neutral conditions (pH 6.5-8.1), ClO2 also yielded a significant amount of FAC (up to 25%). Up to 27% of this in situ formed FAC was incorporated in organic matter forming adsorbable organic chlorine, which accounted for up to 7% of the initial ClO2 dose. Only low concentrations of regulated trihalomethanes were produced because of an efficient mitigation of their precursors by ClO2 oxidation. Conversely, dichloroacetonitrile formation from ClO2-induced generation of FAC was higher than from addition of FAC in absence of ClO2."
In Situ Formation of Free Chlorine During ClO2 Treatment: Implications on the Formation of Disinfection Byproducts WY-YAN HZR Desktop Chlorine Dioxide Analyzer Meter Chlorine Dioxide Content Measuring Instrument Water Quality Tester L-613:5mg/L : Tools & Home Improvement WY-YAN HZR Desktop Chlorine Dioxide Analyzer Meter Chlorine Dioxide Content Measuring Instrument Water Quality Tester L-613:5mg/L : Tools & Home Improvement
Welcome, my dear customer, we have a variety of products, please rest assured to buy, hoping to provide you with a high-quality shopping experience. Shipment: After your order is confirmed, we will arrange the shipment as soon as we could. It will take 7-13 working days to arrive at your hand. De...
·· WY-YAN HZR Desktop Chlorine Dioxide Analyzer Meter Chlorine Dioxide Content Measuring Instrument Water Quality Tester L-613:5mg/L : Tools & Home Improvement
HydroDOS Chlorine Dioxide
HydroDOS Chlorine Dioxide
"Chlorine dioxide can be used as an alternative to ‘temperature regime’ for legionella control, this has additional important benefits. For designs where chlorine dioxide is employed it is not necessary to operate the system at the traditional/conventional temperature levels (this excludes NHS premises), particularly for hot water systems where hot water should be generated at 60°C, the return temperature needs to be kept above 50°C and every hot tap should reach 50°C within one minute of operation. By utilising the benefits of chlorine dioxide, it is possible to generate and distribute hot water at much lower temperatures, for example 40-45°C if desired. For this to be possible though, it is necessary to operate the chlorine dioxide regime as stipulated by the HSE’s code of practice (please see the guidance notes overleaf ). There are some very significant environmental and financial benefits"
HydroDOS Chlorine Dioxide
Perfecting Disinfection
Perfecting Disinfection
"Ranked by ability to kill bacteria, primary disinfectants include ozone, ultraviolet (UV) light, chlorine dioxide, chlorine and monochloramine. The secondary disinfection requirements state that a disinfectant residual must be present in the finished water that leaves the plant to the customers. Water treatment plants provide secondary disinfection using either chlorine or monochloramine to proactively prevent the growth of dangerous bacteria and maintain water quality in the drinking water distribution system"
Perfecting Disinfection
Impact of chlorine dioxide disinfection of irrigation water on the epiphytic bacterial community of baby spinach and underlying soil
Impact of chlorine dioxide disinfection of irrigation water on the epiphytic bacterial community of baby spinach and underlying soil
**** "ClO2 treatment of irrigation water did not affect the diversity of the bacterial community of water, soil and crop, but significant differences were observed in the relative abundance of specific bacterial genera...Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that the phyllosphere bacterial community of baby spinach was more influenced by the soil bacteria community rather than that of irrigation water." "In the case of baby spinach, the use of low residual ClO2 concentrations (approx. 0.25 mg/L)... decreased the relative abundance of Pseudomonaceae (2.28-fold) and Enterobacteriaceae (2.5-fold) ... Members of these two bacterial families are responsible for food spoilage and foodborne illnesses. Therefore, a reduction of these bacterial families might be beneficial for the crop and for food safety. In general it can be concluded that the constant application of ClO2 as a disinfection treatment for irrigation water only caused changes in two bacterial families of the baby spinach and soil microbiota, without affecting the major phyla and classes."
Impact of chlorine dioxide disinfection of irrigation water on the epiphytic bacterial community of baby spinach and underlying soil
Efficacy of chlorine dioxide disinfection to non-fermentative Gram-negative bacilli and non-tuberculous mycobacteria in a hospital water system
Efficacy of chlorine dioxide disinfection to non-fermentative Gram-negative bacilli and non-tuberculous mycobacteria in a hospital water system
****!!!! "The ClO2 concentration was significantly lower in the hot water than in the cold water (P 0.001). After 40 weeks of ClO2 use, the overall NFGNB colonies decreased significantly (hot water: 160 ± 143 vs 2 ± 4 cfu/mL, P 0.001; cold water: 108 ± 138 vs 3 ± 7 cfu/mL, P 0.001). Highly prevalent nosocomial NFGNB, such as Pseudomonas spp. and Stenotrophomonas spp., were undetected three months after ClO2 disinfection; Sphingomonas spp. persisted but had lower colony counts. NTM was present in 25% (three out of 12) of sampling locations initially, but was not detected at two weeks after ClO2 disinfection. The ICUs had no overall change in the number of NFGNB nosocomial infections after the intervention."
Efficacy of chlorine dioxide disinfection to non-fermentative Gram-negative bacilli and non-tuberculous mycobacteria in a hospital water system
Low chlorine impurity might be beneficial in chlorine dioxide disinfection - PubMed
Low chlorine impurity might be beneficial in chlorine dioxide disinfection - PubMed
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is a prevalently used disinfectant alternative to chlorine, due to its effectiveness in pathogen inactivation and low yields of organic halogenated disinfection byproducts (DBPs). However, during ClO2 generation, chlorine is inevitably introduced into th …
Low chlorine impurity might be beneficial in chlorine dioxide disinfection - PubMed
[Water Treatment] Alternative Technologies: Chlorine Dioxide ~ProMinent
[Water Treatment] Alternative Technologies: Chlorine Dioxide ~ProMinent
"Following the principal modes of disinfection, typically 70% of the initial dose of chlorine dioxide is converted to chlorite. Thus the initial dosage of chlorine dioxide should not exceed 1.4 ppm to prevent exceeding DBP formation."
[Water Treatment] Alternative Technologies: Chlorine Dioxide ~ProMinent
Types of partnerships - SUEZ Group
Types of partnerships - SUEZ Group
SUEZ offers its high level of expertise and innovative technologies to local authorities, proposing a wide range of customizable collaboration models to match their requirements and local regulations.
Types of partnerships - SUEZ Group