Case Stories

Implementing DevOps at Barclays, Allianz and Disney: DOES17 London Day One Keynotes
Implementing DevOps at Barclays, Allianz and Disney: DOES17 London Day One Keynotes
At the London DevOps Enterprise Summit 2017 conference, the first morning of keynotes provided many takeaways for enterprise organisations looking to embrace DevOps and the principles of business agility, operational stability, and increased innovation.
Implementing DevOps at Barclays, Allianz and Disney: DOES17 London Day One Keynotes
How Disney organized for an Agile DevOps transition
How Disney organized for an Agile DevOps transition
Conversations about architecting the enterprise for agility often start with a consideration of new technologies. However, this only works when enterprises processes and policies that support them ...
How Disney organized for an Agile DevOps transition
Disney’s DevOps Journey: A DevOps Enterprise Summit Reprise
Disney’s DevOps Journey: A DevOps Enterprise Summit Reprise
by Aliza Earnshaw|24 February 2015Of course you know The Walt Disney Company. It's one of the world's largest media companies, and has created some of the world’s most loved and respected
Disney’s DevOps Journey: A DevOps Enterprise Summit Reprise
DevOps At Target: Year 3
DevOps At Target: Year 3
DevOps At Target: Year 3 Heather Mickman, Sr. Director Target Technology Services, Target DevOps at Target: journey to microservices and cloud native architecture DOES16 San Francisco DevOps Enterprise Summit
DevOps At Target: Year 3
Alaska Airlines charts course for DevOps security | TechTarget
Alaska Airlines charts course for DevOps security | TechTarget
DevOps security that's easily incorporated into app delivery pipelines and efficiently managed by IT ops among private and public cloud data centers is a top priority for Alaska Airlines as it modernizes its applications.
Alaska Airlines charts course for DevOps security | TechTarget
ING Bank Case Study: Improving time to market from 13 weeks to Less than 1 week with DevOps and Cont
ING Bank Case Study: Improving time to market from 13 weeks to Less than 1 week with DevOps and Cont
Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on all of our world-class products and exciting updates: A continuous delivery platform is an enabler and collaborative tool for DevOps team to bring agility and performance as needed to serve their business users. Through continuous delivery and a DevOps way of working, ING significantly increased the tim
ING Bank Case Study: Improving time to market from 13 weeks to Less than 1 week with DevOps and Cont
ING bangs the drum for DevOps
ING bangs the drum for DevOps
ING Bank says a six-year transition to DevOps and agile development methodologies is playing a critical part in the achievement of its 'Think Forward' digital transformation strategy.
ING bangs the drum for DevOps