Scrum Fundamentals

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Scrum Values Poster
Scrum Values Poster
In July 2016, the Scrum Values were added to The Scrum Guide.  These values include Courage, Focus, Commitment, Respect, and Openness. This poster provides a view of the Scrum Values with some descriptions to help you better understand them.
Scrum Values Poster
The Three Pillars of Empiricism (Scrum)
The Three Pillars of Empiricism (Scrum)
Empiricism means working in a fact-based, experience-based, and evidence-based manner. Scrum implements an empirical process where progress is based on observations of reality, not fictitious plans. Scrum also places great emphasis on mind-set and cultural shift to achieve business and organizational Agility. The three pillars of empiricism are as follows:
The Three Pillars of Empiricism (Scrum)
Scrum Guide Revisions | Scrum Guides
Scrum Guide Revisions | Scrum Guides
Scrum is a framework for developing and sustaining complex products. The Scrum Guide contains the official definition of Scrum as authored by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland.
Scrum Guide Revisions | Scrum Guides
A Brief History of Scrum
A Brief History of Scrum
Scrum has not been immune to controversy, and the history of how and who invented it is a topic of frequent debate. Venkatesh Krishnamurthy describes this popular framework's confusing origin story.
A Brief History of Scrum
Determining Sprint Length
Determining Sprint Length
There is no one-size-fits-all, magic bullet for determining a sprint length that works well for every team. Originally, Scrum called for one-month sprints, but nowadays many teams have been successful with two-week or even one-week sprints. Choosing the right sprint length is about determining an appropriate stimulus-to-response cycle. In a sprint, the initial stimulus is the customer setting the priority of the stories. The response is the team building working software.
Determining Sprint Length