
#CMO #curatedcontent
Kelly Isley/Author on Twitter
Kelly Isley/Author on Twitter
Here are eight simple tips to improve your writing: Business leaders have great ideas, but don't always share them clearly in writing. It's time to change that. Jeff Bradford @JCBradford new article via @ENTREPRENEURORG by @Inc #writing #Communication
Kelly Isley/Author on Twitter
Harvard Business Review on Twitter
Harvard Business Review on Twitter
Unfortunately, algorithms occasionally go rogue and come up with figures no one would ever pay — from $14,000 for a cabinet listed on Wayfair to almost $24 million for a textbook offered on Amazon.
Harvard Business Review on Twitter
Deloitte on AI on Twitter
Deloitte on AI on Twitter
Could #ArtificialIntelligence help make the jobs of #FrontlineWorkers easier? Yes! Learn how in a recent infographic from @beena_ammanath of the #DeloitteAIInstitute.
Deloitte on AI on Twitter
Marsha Collier on Twitter
Marsha Collier on Twitter
Changing marketing dynamics in a data-driven world #CMO title is a misnomer, it is more of a ‘Chief Enterprise Transformation & Growth Officer’ where the individual has deep expertise in marketing with a wide appreciation of end-to-end business #Martech
Marsha Collier on Twitter
healthseventh on Twitter
healthseventh on Twitter
@LGGInc @RealChadPrice @bsnscnslt Zen music for weekend relaxation. Do not forget to hit the subscribe button! #Trending #SubscribeNow #SaturdayVibes #helpinghand #begood #relaxingmusic #peace #meditation #yoga
healthseventh on Twitter
lifegrowsgreeninc on Twitter
lifegrowsgreeninc on Twitter
Happy Friday! Have a refreshing weekend. 🌿🌿🌿 #lifegrowsgreen #lgg #happyfriday #refreshing #weekend @RealChadPrice @bsnscnslt
lifegrowsgreeninc on Twitter
Fundingo on Twitter
Fundingo on Twitter
Contrary to popular belief, leadership is a skill you consistently fine-tune rather than a natural trait. Here are 7 tips to help you sharpen your leadership skills with input from our personal CMO, @bsnscnslt.
Fundingo on Twitter
lifegrowsgreeninc on Twitter
lifegrowsgreeninc on Twitter
The one and only 🎤 Nas, performing his #1 album, Kings Disease II 🎼 with the @SanDiegoSymph at the new Rady Shell. 🐚 @theshellsd This is an awesome, open air venue in #sandiego 😎 #summerconcerts #nas #orchestra #livemusic #lifegrowsgreen #lgg @RealChadPrice @bsnscnslt
lifegrowsgreeninc on Twitter
Chirp.Agency on Twitter
Chirp.Agency on Twitter
Thanks for following @BCEnergy @JobGetApp @SecureRetail1 @bsnscnslt :) Please add yourself to Chirp's powerful social media sharing platform We're also @BizHour #BizHour
Chirp.Agency on Twitter
Chirp.Agency on Twitter
Chirp.Agency on Twitter
Thanks for following @nvirtualserv @TrainAbbeydale @CoburgBanks @CarersWorcs @IoAutopilot @GloucesterTour1 @bytes_pixel :) Please add yourself to Chirp's Powerful Social Sharing, Lead Generating Platform Have a great day! We're also @BizHour #BizHour
Chirp.Agency on Twitter
lifegrowsgreeninc on Twitter
lifegrowsgreeninc on Twitter
Want to try our Lavender & Eucalyptus Premium Salve for free??? 🙏🏾👀 Check out our IG for details. Giveaway ends tonight. 🌿 Details here: #giveaway #winit #lavender #eucalyptus #hempoil #lifegrowsgreen
lifegrowsgreeninc on Twitter
Ibrahim on Twitter
Ibrahim on Twitter
@Emmas_dementia @kuriharan @tantriclens @kats_mak @mlafleur17 @RbnGP10 @AnnCavoukian @FernandaKellner @bsnscnslt @gamos @michaeldacosta @ptmsunish @GrzegorzDrozdz Thank you Kohei, wishing you luck too
Ibrahim on Twitter
Robert Reich on Twitter
Robert Reich on Twitter
What was the point of busting our as*es getting Democrats elected if they can’t do a simple thing like protect voting rights? Biden should call for the Senate to delay its August 6th recess until enough votes can be mustered for the For the People Act.
Robert Reich on Twitter
lifegrowsgreeninc on Twitter
lifegrowsgreeninc on Twitter
After a long day of kite boarding, Paula Rosales uses our Lavender & Eucalyptus Salve to relax, unwind & recover. Want to win a jar for yourself? 🌿 Head to our IG Giveaway for details: Giveaway ends Friday, 7/30/21 11pm EST. #lifegrowsgreen #giveaway
lifegrowsgreeninc on Twitter
lifegrowsgreeninc on Twitter
lifegrowsgreeninc on Twitter
GIVEAWAY TIME! 🌿☺️ Want to win a jar of our luxurious, Hemp-based Salve? Head over to our Instagram to enter: Giveaway ends Friday. Good luck! #lifegrowsgreen #giveaway #lgg #lavender #eucalyptus #hemp @RealChadPrice @bsnscnslt
lifegrowsgreeninc on Twitter