Kohei Kurihara -DataPrivacy for Fighting Covid-19- on Twitter
Thank you for #like #tweet! @tantriclens @kats_mak @mlafleur17 @AhmedIbrahim09 @RbnGP10 @AnnCavoukian @FernandaKellner @tantriclens @bsnscnslt @gamos @michaeldacosta @ptmsunish @Emmas_dementia @GrzegorzDrozdz Wish your #business luck!
Dragan Sutevski, PhD on Twitter
When employees know what their weekly schedule looks like and what you expect them to achieve from this schedule, they will get into a routine and plan the other parts of their lives around it.
👉 5 Tips to Manage Your Employees Schedule Like a Pro https://t.co/YEKA4UbBXJ https://t.co/qnhbohBXxK
MIT Sloan Management Review on Twitter
#Leaders need to look beyond traditional strategy models and combine subscription revenue models, marketplace offerings, and machine learning models — powered by #AI and #data — to generate network effects → https://t.co/4TEFhp8TUx https://t.co/BChw65aB7k