Licencias de «software» y servicios, el tirón de las TIC de A Coruña crece en el exterior: «Hai un certo recoñecemento á calidade e seriedade das empresas da nosa zona»
SEA and the Cerceda City Council move forward to build an industrial park
Quantum for a tastier and healthier Estrella Galicia
The return of technological work to Europe reinforces the use of ICT in the region
The other real estate boom in A Coruña, that of offices and industrial land
Rodríguez Amado and Capresa expand in the A Laracha industrial estate
he UDC, touched by a magic wand: two of its teachers are recognized at the national level
The management of the Areosa landfill in Cerceda has been awarded for more than 30 million euros
Leading university research in Galicia, the objective of the UDC
A new company is born in A Coruña from the UDC, Artefacto Education
Xeito and Equipos Lagos join forces to develop smart paint booths
The Papagayo entrepreneurship center in A Coruña hosts the JF64 Emprende startup championship
Nearly seven hundred million for two colossal projects on the Costa da Morte
The Xunta declares the new charcoal plant promoted by Xeal in Dumbría “Strategic Industrial Project”
A Coruña accumulates more than half of the green hydrogen projects in Galicia
New milestone in the works for the railway access to the Outer Port: First passage of the 3.7 km main tunnel
La Coruña will have an "innovation laboratory" for companies
Langosteira, record: 30 million tons of goods in the outer port of A Coruña
The Chamber finalises projects to transform A Coruña into a benchmark for the technology industry
A Coruña, a key destination for investment in industry and technology
A plan to turn La Coruña into a “global benchmark for the technology industry”
The Office of Technological-Industrial Promotion presents a new guide for investors
The technological-industrial promotion office of A Coruña presents a new guide for investors
Curtis establishes itself as a technological benchmark with the first data center in Galicia
Eight companies on the waiting list for a warehouse in ICT CITY
The renovation of the Terrace of A Coruña, headquarters of Aesia, will be larger than expected
In A Coruña, the King asks company executives to ensure responsible use of technology and AI
A Coruña, the capital of artificial intelligence
La Corogne, capitale de l'intelligence artificielle
Arteixo, an example of attracting companies and infrastructure