Researchers from A Coruña move towards personalized fabric manufacturing
This is how Boortmalt will manufacture malt in Punta Langosteira
A Coruña is one of the best 250 cities to live in, according to an Oxford ranking
The investment in Langosteira by the world leader in malt production: 121 million in the first phase alone
The works on the virtual set are progressing to be finished by the end of the year
The ITG Technology Center, based in A Coruña, reaches the highest income in its history
Gadisa leads the ranking of Galician supers in employment, stores and sales, with Vegalsa and Froiz growing double digits
Six drones will be in charge of supervising the operations of the port of A Coruña
The port of A Coruña signs the best first half of its history in terms of tons movement
Estrella Galicia turns on the machines of the new Morás factory, which is already being tested
The port's freight traffic reaches its all-time high thanks to Repsol oil
adisa consolidates its leadership in Galicia with a record turnover of almost 1,570 million
Galicia is the community in which productivity has grown the most, triple the Spanish average
CITIC researcher Minia Manteiga, new president of the Spanish Astronomy Society – CITIC
A Coruña, the second province that receives the most funds from the latest distribution for Just Transition areas
Exports from the province of A Coruña do not stop growing and set a new record until May
The ICT City of A Coruña, the future epicenter of Galician audiovisual
The Chamber analyzes with Isabel Pardo de Vera the opportunities in terms of infrastructure and connectivity in the A Coruña area
Approved the change of use of two plots of the A Laracha industrial estate that total almost 40,000 meters
Galicia is the only community that has executed more than three quarters of European funds
Schenker, world leader in logistics, opens headquarters in Ledoño and will distribute merchandise to 30 countries
Galician textiles conspire to innovate and be “a global training center”
The Xunta will create a fund to invest in companies that work on AI in Galicia
International AI meeting at the UDC to establish collaborations in biomedical research – CITIC
The University of A Coruña leads two lines of biotechnology research for health
Work on the Punta Langosteira interior railway begins
Hijos de Rivera launches a project with artificial intelligence and quantum computing to investigate the flavors of the future
Artificial Intelligence joins forces with teachers
Ignis plans 22 tanks to store renewable fuels in the outer port of A Coruña
The arrival of talent grows: A Coruña receives 8,500 more employees than those who leave