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ALBA Declaration action point: Use consistent evaluation criteria
ALBA Declaration action point: Use consistent evaluation criteria
We are all biased. What can we do? The ALBA Declaration on Equity & Inclusion advises to implement unbiased selection, hiring, and assessment, by using consistent, well-defined evaluation criteria. This article provides useful tips & resources on best practices about evaluation criteria.
ALBA Declaration action point: Use consistent evaluation criteria
LIBRA Recruitment Handbook
LIBRA Recruitment Handbook
Inclusive, Transparent and Unbiased Recruitment Processes
LIBRA Recruitment Handbook
Effective Practices for Addressing Gender Disparity in Recruitment, Advancement, and Retention in STEMM
Effective Practices for Addressing Gender Disparity in Recruitment, Advancement, and Retention in STEMM
A growing body of research literature and an increasing number of examples identify strategies and practices that institutions and organizations can adopt to diversify talent pools, mitigate biases in evaluation and promotion, and create and sustain a positive, inclusive organizational climate (Boxes 4-4 and 4-5). The sections below offer practical guidance on specific steps that institutions can implement to work to improve recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM).
Effective Practices for Addressing Gender Disparity in Recruitment, Advancement, and Retention in STEMM
Biais de genre dans le recrutement académique
Biais de genre dans le recrutement académique
Les stéréotypes de genre sont problématiques car ils interfèrent avec les critères de sélection établis pour le recrutement et avec les mérites supposés des candidat·e·s. Ils peuvent mener à des décisions biaisées, à l’encontre des principes méritocratiques et égalitaires prônés par l’université.
Biais de genre dans le recrutement académique