Campaign Finance Reform - Other

Group steers Swiss billionaire's money to liberal causes
Group steers Swiss billionaire's money to liberal causes
The Berger Action Fund is a nondescript name for a group with a rather specific purpose: steering the wealth of a Swiss billionaire, Hansjörg Wyss, into the world of American
Group steers Swiss billionaire's money to liberal causes
Alaska still needs better campaign contribution disclosure
Alaska still needs better campaign contribution disclosure
Without immediate income and spending disclosure in all political races, our brave new world will look a lot like the one reformers say they are trying to fix.
Alaska still needs better campaign contribution disclosure
Election commission staff sets new campaign contribution limits of $1,500,
Election commission staff sets new campaign contribution limits of $1,500,
The staff of the Alaska Public Offices Commission is set the campaign contribution limit at $1,500 from an individual to a candidate, now that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has thrown out the previous $500 limit, which was in statute. The Ninth Circuit and the Supreme Court said the $500 limit is unreasonable, and […]
Election commission staff sets new campaign contribution limits of $1,500,
The New Era of Election Subversion - Bloomberg
The New Era of Election Subversion - Bloomberg
The state is using powers under its controversial new election law that could usurp the authority of local officials.
The New Era of Election Subversion - Bloomberg
Republicans Aim to Seize More Power Over How Elections Are Run - The New Yo
Republicans Aim to Seize More Power Over How Elections Are Run - The New Yo
G.O.P. lawmakers in at least eight states controlled by the party are trying to gain broad influence over the mechanics of voting, in an effort that could further undermine the country’s democratic norms.
Republicans Aim to Seize More Power Over How Elections Are Run - The New Yo
How Republican States Are Expanding Their Power Over Elections - The New Yo
How Republican States Are Expanding Their Power Over Elections - The New Yo
In Georgia, Republicans are removing Democrats of color from local boards. In Arkansas, they have stripped election control from county authorities. And they are expanding their election power in many other states.
How Republican States Are Expanding Their Power Over Elections - The New Yo
Texas’ local mask mandates have different court outcomes | The Texas Tribun
Texas’ local mask mandates have different court outcomes | The Texas Tribun
COVID-19 is surging again in Texas. Hospitalizations are increasing faster than at any other time. Local officials and school leaders are pushing back against Gov. Greg Abbott’s ban on mask mandates.…
Texas’ local mask mandates have different court outcomes | The Texas Tribun
State’s mask mandate ban headed to the Texas Supreme Court: COVID-19 update
State’s mask mandate ban headed to the Texas Supreme Court: COVID-19 update
COVID-19 is surging again in Texas. Hospitalizations are increasing faster than at any other time. Local officials and school leaders are rebelling against Gov. Greg Abbott’s ban on mask mandates. He…
State’s mask mandate ban headed to the Texas Supreme Court: COVID-19 update