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Scared Yet? | The New Republic
Scared Yet? | The New Republic
The Wall Street Journal's punctuation fetish.There are so many things that make The Wall Street Journal editorial page a source of personal fascination--the undying faith in voodoo economics, the staunch defense of executive privilege and disdain for independent counsels during Republican presidencies alternating with disdain for executive privilege and staunch defense of independent counsels duri...
Scared Yet? | The New Republic
Campaign Donation Limits Could Be Coming to OR in 2022 / Public News Servic
Campaign Donation Limits Could Be Coming to OR in 2022 / Public News Servic
Oregon is among a handful of states without limits on how much people or entities can contribute to election campaigns, but it could change this year. So far, six proposals have been introduced. Jason Kafoury, organizer for Honest Elections Oregon, which is behind three of the potential ballot measures limiting campaign finance donations, said money is set to play a big role in the 2022 election, illustrating the need for reining in its influence. ...
Campaign Donation Limits Could Be Coming to OR in 2022 / Public News Servic
Oregon governor’s race starting to take shape | Salem Reporter
Oregon governor’s race starting to take shape | Salem Reporter
When Oregonians go to the polls in about a year, they won’t see their current governor on their ballot for only the second time this century. Gov. Kate Brown can’t run for a third term, leaving Democrats with a wide-open primary for the first time since 2002.  Both parties’ contests[Read More...]
Oregon governor’s race starting to take shape | Salem Reporter
Group stymied in bid for 2022 independent redistricting ballot measure file
Group stymied in bid for 2022 independent redistricting ballot measure file
PORTLAND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- People Not Politicians announced Wednesday that they have filed with the Oregon Secretary of State a proposed initiative petition for the November 2024 ballot to reform what it calls "Oregon’s dysfunctional and partisan redistricting process, and to replace it with an independent citizens’ commission for fair representation." Here's the rest of the
Group stymied in bid for 2022 independent redistricting ballot measure file
Oregon Redistricting Measure Could Make Ballot, Would Impact 2026 Election 
Oregon Redistricting Measure Could Make Ballot, Would Impact 2026 Election 
Voters may get the chance to decide whether an independent commission should redraw the state’s legislative and congressional districts after a proposed ballot measure cleared a significant hurdle.   People Not Politicians, the group seeking to end legislative control of redistricting, announced Monday that a deadline for legal challenges to the proposed initiative passed last week, clearing the way for supporters to begin collecting the roughly 150,000 signatures needed to put a measure before voters in November 2024.  The group is […]
Oregon Redistricting Measure Could Make Ballot, Would Impact 2026 Election 
Editorial: 2022 brings new urgency to fix age-old problems -
Editorial: 2022 brings new urgency to fix age-old problems -
2022 must be a year of fixing broken systems, delivering on promises and instilling confidence that our public agencies will operate with proficiency and accountability – regardless of whatever new crisis comes our way, the editorial board writes. Among the priorities that Oregon should have for the new year are ensuring strong executive leadership at all levels of government, keeping schools open and better preparing Oregon for climate disasters.
Editorial: 2022 brings new urgency to fix age-old problems -
Editorial endorsement November 2022: Vote ‘no’ on mega-measure to overhaul
Editorial endorsement November 2022: Vote ‘no’ on mega-measure to overhaul
A measure on the November ballot that would radically transform Portland city government would install a City Council structure unused by any city in the nation, make it harder to hold City Council members accountable and open the door for fringe candidates to win a seat, the editorial board writes. Voters should vote no on Measure 26-228 and look to an alternative from Commissioner Mingus Mapps next year.
Editorial endorsement November 2022: Vote ‘no’ on mega-measure to overhaul
Portland commission eyes more big changes to City Hall; voters could decide
Portland commission eyes more big changes to City Hall; voters could decide
They include provisions that would require the city to consider the environmental impact of all municipal decisions, allow Portland residents to decide how to spend millions of city dollars each year and potentially expand voting rights to noncitizens.
Portland commission eyes more big changes to City Hall; voters could decide