Political Parties & Candidates
Oregon Republicans running for secretary of state target mail voting, stoke voter fraud claims
Three Oregon Republicans running to control the state’s elections have all stoked false claims of voter fraud and indicated they want to end Oregon’s decades-long tradition of running elections by mail.
Dark Money Casts a Shadow on Maxine Dexter’s Campaign
As a wave of nearly $3 million in dark money enters Oregon’s 3rd Congressional District race, voters are questioning the donors backing Maxine Dexter’s campaign, and whether the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is among them. A political action committee (PAC) known as 314 Action Fund, has spent $1.67 million to support Dexter's campaign. Dexter is a current state representative now seeking election to Congress. The PAC claims its mission is to elect Democrats...
Connecticut bill aims to get rid of voter confusion; it may take the ‘Independent Party’ with it
HARTFORD, Conn. — Independents in the state are decrying a provision in a proposed election integrity bill they say would “destroy” their caucus by requiring the Independent Party of Connecticut
Oregon among 12 "No-Label" party states (Chart)
By Taxpayers Association of Oregon
The No Labels Party has secured 12 states so far for being able to run a Presidential candidate under their No Labels party.
West Virginian U.S. Senator, Joe Manchin, announced he is not running for re-election in 2024 and will tour the na
Independents, with a lowercase i, are now Arizona’s biggest voter group | Arizona Capitol Times
The largest political party in Arizona is no longer a party. The latest voter registration numbers from the Arizona Secretary of State’s office show that independent voters edged out Republicans in July to become the largest single group of voters in the state.