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Editorial: A shared goal toward a better city government
Editorial: A shared goal toward a better city government
While proposals from two commissioners to alter the new form of government approved by voters last year were premature, Portlanders should recognize that building a better government may take adjustments and revisions to the original ballot measure, the editorial board writes.
Editorial: A shared goal toward a better city government
Open primary backers to sue AG
Open primary backers to sue AG
Supporters of an initiative to create nonpartisan open primaries and establish ranked-choice voting announced Monday they intend to sue Attorney General Raúl Labrador over his ballot titles for the initiative.
Open primary backers to sue AG
Ranked-choice voting could come to Oregon, if voters say yes in 2024
Ranked-choice voting could come to Oregon, if voters say yes in 2024
In November 2024, voters will decide whether to use ranked choice voting in races after January 1, 2028 for president, seats in Congress, governor, Oregon secretary of state and some others.
Ranked-choice voting could come to Oregon, if voters say yes in 2024
New initiative would bring 'STAR Voting' to Eugene elections
New initiative would bring 'STAR Voting' to Eugene elections
This month, petitioners will begin collecting signatures to overhaul election rules in the city of Eugene. The initiative would allow voters to rate multiple candidates instead of choosing just one.
New initiative would bring 'STAR Voting' to Eugene elections
Is Oregon ripe for ranked choice voting? – Oregon Capital Chronicle
Is Oregon ripe for ranked choice voting? – Oregon Capital Chronicle
With three serious gubernatorial candidates on the ballot in November and the theoretical possibility of a new governor elected with 34% of the vote, Oregon might consider an election tool that recently got a lot of attention in Alaska and seems ripe for consideration here: ranked choice voting.  The probability – at least, if polling […]
Is Oregon ripe for ranked choice voting? – Oregon Capital Chronicle
Five Months Down, 20 to Go: Checking In on Portland’s Charter Reform Makeover
Five Months Down, 20 to Go: Checking In on Portland’s Charter Reform Makeover
It’s been nearly five months since Portland voters approved substantial changes to the city’s government. With a long list of critical tasks to complete by next fall, it begs the question: Can they get it all accomplished in time? Here's what's happened so far.
Five Months Down, 20 to Go: Checking In on Portland’s Charter Reform Makeover