‘Gray money’: New Washington law to lift the cloak on PAC funders | The Sea
A new Washington law attempts to tamp down the so-called gray money that funnels from one political action committee to the next on its way to election-year advertisements.
After massive spending, fight rages on for bill to curb Seattle PAC money
On the heels of massive spending in Seattle's council races, Lorena Gonzalez is continuing to fight for a bill to curb that spending in future elections.
TV, texts and canvassers: How PACs are spending millions to sway Seattle Ci
Given that political-action committees have shelled out millions on the 14 candidates still in the running for Seattle City Council, it's no wonder some voters are experiencing advertising overload.
Spin Control: As campaign season kicks off, new Washington laws put limits on 'deepfakes'
Monday is the beginning of candidate filing week, which means current and would-be office holders are putting the final touches on their campaign plans.#collection:home-promos#collection:news-columnists#collection:news#collection:local-government#collection:washington-government
Washington governor’s race sparks stricter campaign-finance rule
Washington’s high-profile governor’s race is changing the way campaign fundraising is reported and counted. That change is shining a spotlight on Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s campaign for governor after his