DH Toolkit

DH Toolkit

The IssueCrawler is web network location and visualization software. It consists of crawlers, analysis engines and visualisation modules. It is server-side software that crawls specified sites and captures the outlinks from the specified sites. Sites may be crawled and analyzed in three ways: co-link, snowball and inter-actor. Co-link analysis crawls the seed URLs and retains the pages that receive at least two links from the seeds. Snowball analysis crawls sites and retains pages receiving at least one link from the seeds. Inter-actor analysis crawls the seed URLs and retains inter-linking between the seeds. The Issue Crawler visualises the results in circle, cluster and geographical maps.
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This project aims at understanding the mechanisms of homogenization and diversification of scientific knowledge from the late medieval epoch until the end of the early modern period.

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KI in Lehre und Weiterbildung | Barbara Geyer | Substack
KI in Lehre und Weiterbildung | Barbara Geyer | Substack
Künstliche Intelligenz für Lehrende. Erhalte Einblicke in praktische Anwendungen, aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse und zukünftige Entwicklungen in der Lehre. Click to read KI in Lehre und Weiterbildung, by Barbara Geyer, a Substack publication with hundreds of subscribers.
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