Create, save and print FREE QR Codes for personal and business use. Learn how to use QR Codes for marketing and communications. Programmers and developers can use the Free QR Code API to generate dynamic QR Codes in websites, HTML emails and online applications.
Photopea Online Photo Editor lets you edit photos, apply effects, filters, add text, crop or resize pictures. Do Online Photo Editing in your browser for free!
EndNote is the industry standard software tool for publishing and managing bibliographies, citations and references on the Windows and Macintosh desktop.
Qiqqa is award-winning research management software, designed for commercial and academic researchers. If you deal with lots of PDFs and ideas during your research, you'll love what Qiqqa can do for you.
NVivo qualitative data analysis software helps to discover richer insights from your qualitative & mixed methods research. Organize, store, and analyze data today!
ATLAS.ti is a powerful workbench for the qualitative analysis of large bodies of textual, graphical, audio and video data. It offers a variety of sophisticated tools for accomplishing the tasks associated with any systematic approach to "soft" data.
MAXQDA is the world-leading software package for qualitative and mixed methods research and the only leading QDA software to offer identical features on Windows and Mac. It is one of the most comprehensive qualitative data analysis programs and is used by thousands of researchers in more than 150 countries.
Ghostscript technology for printing.
Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript® language and PDF files. It is available under either the GNU GPL Affero license or licensed for commercial use from Artifex Software, Inc. It has been under active development for over 30 years and has been ported to several different systems during this time. Ghostscript consists of a PostScript interpreter layer and a graphics library.
There are a family of other products, including GhostPCL, GhostPDF, and GhostXPS that are built upon the same graphics library. Between them, this family of products offers native rendering of all major page description languages. Our latest product, GhostPDL, pulls all these languages into a single executable.
In addition to rendering to raster formats, Ghostscript offers high-level conversion through our vector output devices.
Written entirely in C, Ghostscript runs on various embedded operating systems and platforms including Windows, macOS, the wide variety of Unix and Unix-like platforms, and VMS systems.
This site is dedicated to Digital Humanities Awards: Highlighting Resources in Digital Humanities.
Digital Humanities Awards are a set of annual awards where the public is able to nominate resources for the recognition of talent and expertise in the digital humanities community. The resources are nominated and voted for entirely by the public. The weeding out by the nominations committee is solely based on the criteria of “Is it DH?”, “Can voters see it?”, “Is it in the right category?”, and “Was it launched/published/majorly updated in that year?”. These awards are intended as an awareness raising activity, to help put interesting DH resources in the spotlight and engage DH users (and general public) in the work of the community. Awards are not specific to geography, language, conference, organization or field of humanities that they benefit. Any suitable resource in any language or writing system may be nominated in any category. DH Awards actively encourages representation from more minority languages, cultures, and areas of DH. All nominated resources are worth investigating to see the range of DH work out there.
Work on texts and images. Identify and mark named entities. Use your data in other tools or connect to other data on the Web. Without the need to learn code.
Recogito is an initative of the Pelagios Network, developed under the leadership of the Austrian Institute of Technology, Exeter University and The Open University, with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Recogito is provided as Open Source software, under the terms of the Apache 2 license. It can be downloaded free of charge for self-hosting from our GitHub repository.
Pelagios Commons offers free access to a hosted version of the software at in the spirit of open data and as an act of collegiality. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions of Use for information.
Juxta is an open-source tool for comparing and collating multiple witnesses to a single textual work. Originally designed to aid scholars and editors examine the history of a text from manuscript to print versions, Juxta offers a number of possibilities for humanities computing and textual scholarship.
As a standalone desktop application, Juxta allows users to complete many of the necessary operations of textual criticism on digital texts (TXT and XML). With this software, you can add or remove witnesses to a comparison set, switch the base text at will. Once you’ve collated a comparison, Juxta also offers several kinds of analytic visualizations. By default, it displays a heat map of all textual variants and allows the user to locate — at the level of any textual unit — all witness variations from the base text. Users can switch to a side by side collation view, which gives a split frame comparison of a base text with a witness text. A histogram of Juxta collations is particularly useful for long documents; this visualization displays the density of all variation from the base text and serves as a useful finding aid for specific variants.
The desktop version of Juxta also allows users to annotate Juxta-revealed comparisons and save the results, and can output a lemmatized schedule (in HTML format) of the textual variants in any set of comparisons. It can run on any modern Macintosh, Windows, or Unix computer with Java 1.5 installed.
Juxta has also been developed as a web service with a limited set of the features available in the desktop application. This web service can be integrated into a host site and controlled via a well-documented API. This web-service powers Juxta Commons, the destination site for using Juxta on the web. No download is necessary: simply upload or link to your sources and start collating! Screencasts and a user guide are available, and the R&D team would appreciate your feedback during this beta release.
The source code for Juxta is distributed under the Apache License and available on GitHub. There are separate public repositories for the desktop and web service versions of Juxta. There is a Google Groups forum for developers.
CitNetExplorer is a software tool for visualizing and analyzing citation networks of scientific publications. The tool allows citation networks to be imported directly from the Web of Science database. Citation networks can be explored interactively, for instance by drilling down into a network and by identifying clusters of closely related publications.
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