Medical History of British India | National Library of Scotland

Všeobecné zrcadlo digitální Asie
Tib Shelf
Mireille Helffer's sound archive | Research Centre of Ethnomusicology
Mandala Collections | University of Virginia
The SAT Daizokyo Text Database
The People's Map of Global China
The Interuniversity Research Group on Tibet and the Himalayas
Contemporary Chinese Village Gazetteer Data 数字村庄 數字村莊
Photo collections of the École française d'Extrême-Orient
Himalayan Buddhist Art
Tibetan Proper Name Index | Dan Martin
Object Lessons from Tibet & the Himalayas
BuddhistRoad | Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Society of Friends of the Kern Institute
Tibet Archaeology
Early Tibet
Philologia Tibetica
Xinjiang Data Project
International Dunhuang Project | IDP
Old Tibetan Documents Online
Tibet Mapping
Rigpa Shedra | WiKi
Online resources | International Institute for Asian Studies
Paula R. Curtis
Digital Himalaya | University of Cambridge
South Indian Paintings