Všeobecné zrcadlo digitální Asie
Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies | EJCJS
Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History | Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines
The Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies
Elites, Networks and Power in Modern China
Elites, Networks, and Power in Modern Urban China | Zenodo
China Historical Geographic Information System
Korea Europe Review
한글 Hangul Konverter
Occupied Japan
Oral History of Tibetan Studies
Languages of New York City Map
The Database of Religious History
Sea of Japan - Oriental Sea - no established concept or definiation.
Rangjung Yeshe Institute
IATS | International Association for Tibetan Studies
European Association for Chinese Studies
Asia for Educators
Manchu archery | Fe Doro - Manchu archery
Southeast Asia in the Ming Shi-lu
The International Chinese Studies Virtual Events Clearing-House
Database for Animation Studies
:: JAANUS :: Terminology of Japanese Architecture & Art History