Mongolia GIS Data | Christopher M. Free

Všeobecné zrcadlo digitální Asie
Yuan shi 元史 | 国学网站 — 原典宝库
Yuan shi 元史
Mongolian NLP Reosources | GitHub
Tibetan Arts and Literature Initiative
Asian Center | University of the Philippines Diliman
Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre | London School of Economics and Political Science
New Mandala | Australian National University
European Handbook of Central Asian Studies: History, Politics and Societies Handbook | EISCAS Project
Stručné dějiny dobývání Tibetu
Tibet Data
High Peaks Pure Earth
Lhakar Diaries ལྷ་དཀར་ཉིང་དེབ།
Plateau Culture
Tibetan Social History
Internet Sacred Text Archive
Kalpa Bon | Charles Ramble
Rangjung Yeshe Institute
Tibetan Language Institute
Himalayan Art Resources
Lotsawa House
Digital Tibetan | WiKi
Tibetan & Himalayan Library Toolbox
Monumenta Altaica
Mongolian Digital Ethnography Archive
The Mongol Yuan Postal Relay System