Scientists discover a ‘third state’ between life and death

UNILAD: Scientists discover a 'third state' that’s beyond life and death in huge breakthrough
Biologists Peter Noble and Alex Pozhitkov published their findings on biobots in the journal Physiology
The Guardian: New hope of finding life on Mars after indication of water, scientists say
Liquid amounting to a 1-2km-deep ocean may be frozen up to 20km below surface, calculations suggest
Aliens may be hitching rides on meteors to colonize the cosmos, study suggests. Here's how we could spot them.
A fringe theory called "panspermia" suggests that lifeforms can spread to new planets by hitching rides on meteors. New research lays out a roadmap for finding where these hypothetical, planet-hopping aliens may reside.
Shared from Bing: NASA Made a World-Shaking Discovery: Compelling Evidence of Past Life on Mars
The Perseverance rover was built for this moment—and it didn’t disappoint.
Evidence grows that meteorites, comets could have brought essentials of life to early Earth
The origin of life on Earth is a profound mystery - including when it started and how the ingredients for it were assembled. And a new study aimed at answering the latter question finds that some building blocks didn't need to have formed on Earth, but could have arrived from space. The study, published AprilContinue reading "Evidence grows that meteorites, comets could have brought essentials of life to early Earth" The post Evidence grows that...