Hurricane trackers warn of huge 'tropical wave' formingA massive tropical wave forming off the American coastline has hurricane trackers on high alert - with Florida potentially getting hit next.Hurricane#Hurricane#Sinking#Not Doing Anything#climate change#Anti-Vegans#Morons··Aug 2, 2024Hurricane trackers warn of huge 'tropical wave' forming
120 million under heat alerts as temperatures skyrocketAmericans throughout the Eastern U.S. are experiencing temperatures in the high 90s and triple digits this week. July 16, 2024.#Anti-Vegans#Doing Nothing About It#Deaths#2025#Accelerating-Extinction#climate change#Morons··Jul 21, 2024120 million under heat alerts as temperatures skyrocket
NPR: 'We're screaming into the void.' Across the U.S., heat keeps breaking records#Heat#climate change#Morons#Anti-Vegans#Humanity··Jul 11, 2024NPR: 'We're screaming into the void.' Across the U.S., heat keeps breaking records