A 16-Million-Year-Old Tree Tells a Deep Story of the Passage of Time
WION: Scientists crack the code, reveal what transported seeds of life to Earth
How did life emerge on Earth? The age-old question has intrigued experts for years and now a study has hinted that rocky guests who visit us frequently might have carried the seeds of life. Meteorites likely brought the building blocks of life to the primordial Earth from space, as per new evidence. Scientists are intrigued by the finding as this means that alien life exists somewhere in space.
Cosmic Dust Created Humans
MSN: Nasa makes discovery ‘as important as gravity’ surrounding Earth
Discovery Institute: Study: Geological Habitability Parameters Imply Earth is Special and Advanced Life Extremely Rare
One thing that is likely to get some pushback is the study’s claim that modern-style plate tectonics on Earth did not commence until the Neoproterozoic.
Evidence grows that meteorites, comets could have brought essentials of life to early Earth
The origin of life on Earth is a profound mystery - including when it started and how the ingredients for it were assembled. And a new study aimed at answering the latter question finds that some building blocks didn't need to have formed on Earth, but could have arrived from space. The study, published AprilContinue reading "Evidence grows that meteorites, comets could have brought essentials of life to early Earth" The post Evidence grows that...