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Aliens may be hitching rides on meteors to colonize the cosmos, study suggests. Here's how we could spot them.
Aliens may be hitching rides on meteors to colonize the cosmos, study suggests. Here's how we could spot them.
A fringe theory called "panspermia" suggests that lifeforms can spread to new planets by hitching rides on meteors. New research lays out a roadmap for finding where these hypothetical, planet-hopping aliens may reside.
Aliens may be hitching rides on meteors to colonize the cosmos, study suggests. Here's how we could spot them.
Aliens may be hitching rides on meteors to colonize the cosmos, study suggests. Here's how we could spot them.
Aliens may be hitching rides on meteors to colonize the cosmos, study suggests. Here's how we could spot them.
A fringe theory called "panspermia" suggests that lifeforms can spread to new planets by hitching rides on meteors. New research lays out a roadmap for finding where these hypothetical, planet-hopping aliens may reside.
Aliens may be hitching rides on meteors to colonize the cosmos, study suggests. Here's how we could spot them.