Nearly 200 chemicals linked to breast cancer found in food packagingFood sold in shrink wrap, on cardboard trays or in paper containers might contain any of nearly 200 chemicals linked to breast cancer, a new study warns.Studies#Plastic#Pollution#PFAS#Cancer#Chemicals··Oct 22, 2024Nearly 200 chemicals linked to breast cancer found in food packaging
CNN: Black-colored plastic used for kitchen utensils and toys linked to banned toxic flame retardantsBlack plastics from electronic devices may be leaching toxic flame retardants into our food and homes, a new study has found.Conspiracy#Plastic#Pollution#PFAS#Toxic#Flame Retardants#Health#Food Safety#Study#CNN··Oct 2, 2024CNN: Black-colored plastic used for kitchen utensils and toys linked to banned toxic flame retardants