Photos: World’s largest prehistoric rock art discovered in South America
Mask of Xiuhtecuhtli: A 600-year-old mask of the Aztec fire god taken as treasure by conquistadors
This stunning blue mask may represent the Aztec cycle of death and renewal.
Ancient Artifacts from Meteorite Iron Reveal Secrets of Early Metallurgy
Two gold-and-iron artifacts from ancient Spain predated our ability to work with iron. So how did they do it? With ready-to-use iron from the sky.
ScienceAlert: We Finally Know Why Ancient Roman Concrete Was Able to Last Thousands of Years
Mystery solved!
The Independent: Archaeologists discover ‘significant’ permanent side-effect of smoking
Archaeologists say tobacco consumption leaves a metabolic record that can be studied for centuries
Scientists prove Turin Shroud not genuine (again)
Forensic analysis of possible bloodstains suggest marks could only have been made by someone adopting different poses, not dead Messiah lying still in tomb before the resurrection
"Incredibly well-preserved" arrow older than Vikings found in melting ice
The old hunting tool was discovered in a "lost" mountain site, an archaeologist told Newsweek.