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Smithsonian Magazine: An Undersea Volcano Near Oregon May Erupt in 2025, Scientists Predict. It Could Help Improve Eruption Forecasts
Smithsonian Magazine: An Undersea Volcano Near Oregon May Erupt in 2025, Scientists Predict. It Could Help Improve Eruption Forecasts
Axial Seamount doesn’t pose a threat to humans, but observing what happens before and after its potential eruption could help scientists learn about submerged volcanoes and strengthen predictions
Smithsonian Magazine: An Undersea Volcano Near Oregon May Erupt in 2025, Scientists Predict. It Could Help Improve Eruption Forecasts
Earth is racing toward climate conditions that collapsed key Atlantic currents before the last ice age, study finds
Earth is racing toward climate conditions that collapsed key Atlantic currents before the last ice age, study finds
Global warming during the Last Interglacial period caused so much Arctic ice to melt that Atlantic currents collapsed — and scientists say these are the conditions we could be heading toward.
Earth is racing toward climate conditions that collapsed key Atlantic currents before the last ice age, study finds
WION: Scientists crack the code, reveal what transported seeds of life to Earth
WION: Scientists crack the code, reveal what transported seeds of life to Earth
How did life emerge on Earth? The age-old question has intrigued experts for years and now a study has hinted that rocky guests who visit us frequently might have carried the seeds of life.  Meteorites likely brought the building blocks of life to the primordial Earth from space, as per new evidence. Scientists are intrigued by the finding as this means that alien life exists somewhere in space.
WION: Scientists crack the code, reveal what transported seeds of life to Earth
Twilight zones discovered deep underground – and sceintists don't know what they are
Twilight zones discovered deep underground – and sceintists don't know what they are
Some of the Earth’s most “extreme features” have been discovered deep, deep underground, and scientists can’t work out what they are. The mysterious zones have the power to slow down seismic waves by up to 50 per cent, yet experts don’t know what they’re made of or what role they play. These strange black holes (figuratively speaking) are located w...
Twilight zones discovered deep underground – and sceintists don't know what they are