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Study helps explain why stress in adolescence can lead to predisposition to mental illness in adulthood
Study helps explain why stress in adolescence can lead to predisposition to mental illness in adulthood
Excessive stress during adolescence can cause alterations in the profile of genes expressed in the brain, especially those associated with bioenergy functions. These alterations may affect cell respiration, resulting in behavioral problems and psychiatric disorders in adulthood, according to a study in rats conducted by researchers at the University of São Paulo's Ribeirão Preto Medical School (FMRP-USP) in Brazil.
Study helps explain why stress in adolescence can lead to predisposition to mental illness in adulthood
Exposure to air pollution during the first two years of life is associated with worse attention capacity in children
Exposure to air pollution during the first two years of life is associated with worse attention capacity in children
A growing body of research shows that exposure to air pollution, especially during pregnancy and childhood, may have a negative impact on brain development. Now a study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) has found that exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) during the first two years of life is associated with poorer attention capacity in children aged 4 to 8, especially in boys. NO2 is a pollutant that comes mainly from...
Exposure to air pollution during the first two years of life is associated with worse attention capacity in children
Nightmares Can Be Silenced by a Single Piano Chord, Study Shows
Nightmares Can Be Silenced by a Single Piano Chord, Study Shows
Using non-invasive techniques to manipulate our emotions, it might be possible to curtail the screaming horrors that plague our sleep. A study conducted on 36 patients diagnosed with a nightmare disorder showed that a combination of two simple therapies reduced the frequency of their bad dreams. Scientists invited the volunteers to rewrite their most frequent nightmares in a positive light and then played sound associated with positive experienc
Nightmares Can Be Silenced by a Single Piano Chord, Study Shows
Childhood trauma linked to specific health risks
Childhood trauma linked to specific health risks
Childhood trauma can raise the risk of developing major diseases later in life that vary based on a person's unique experiences and even their sex, new research concludes. Why it matters: Although it's widely understood that trauma early in life has biological and real-world health impacts, the findings shed light on how different life experiences can shape the way the body functions and make a person susceptible to chronic diseases....
Childhood trauma linked to specific health risks
Americans warned about link between heart attacks and tap water
Americans warned about link between heart attacks and tap water
New research from Columbia University found that long term exposure to one naturally occurring metal found in drinking water across the country may lead to an increased risk of heart disease.
Americans warned about link between heart attacks and tap water
Cannabis Use Before Bedtime Does Not Cause Next-Day Impairment Of Cognitive Ability
Cannabis Use Before Bedtime Does Not Cause Next-Day Impairment Of Cognitive Ability
A new study suggests that using marijuana before sleep has minimal if any effect on a range of performance measures the next day. These include simulated driving, cognitive and psychomotor function tasks, subjective effects and mood. The study involved 20 adults with physician-diagnosed insomnia who rarely used marijuana. “The results of this study indicate that a single oral dose of 10 mg THC (in combination with 200 mg CBD) does not notably impair ‘next day’ cognitive function or driving performance relative to placebo in adults with insomnia who infrequently use marijuana,” said the researchers at Macquarie University in Sydney, the University of Sydney, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, Gold Coast-based Griffith University and Johns Hopkins University. While cannabis is often used as a sleep aid and there are concerns about next-day impairment, particularly on safety sensitive tasks such as driving. However, the results showed no differences in 27 out of 28 cognitive and psychomotor function and simulated driving tests compared to the placebo. “Almost all of the cognitive tests conducted, involving attention, working memory, speed of information processing, and other domains, showed no ‘next day’ effects of THC/CBD,” the report says. Some cannabis users report feeling residual effects the next day, but a recent study found no evidence that marijuana causes a hangover. “Unlike long-acting sedatives and alcohol, cannabis was not associated with a ‘hangover’ effect, although individuals reported some lingering effects such as sleepiness and changes in mood,” a Washington State University study found.
Cannabis Use Before Bedtime Does Not Cause Next-Day Impairment Of Cognitive Ability
Study: Low-level lead poisoning accounts for cognitive deficits in children, risk factors for heart conditions
Study: Low-level lead poisoning accounts for cognitive deficits in children, risk factors for heart conditions
Chronic, low-level lead poisoning is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease in adults and cognitive deficits in children, even at levels previously thought to be safe, according to a paper by Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, Simon Fraser University in Canada, and Harvard Medical School, and Boston Children's Hospital.
Study: Low-level lead poisoning accounts for cognitive deficits in children, risk factors for heart conditions
Lack of focus doesn't equal lack of intelligence: It's proof of an intricate brain, say scientists
Lack of focus doesn't equal lack of intelligence: It's proof of an intricate brain, say scientists
Imagine a busy restaurant: dishes clattering, music playing, people talking loudly over one another. It's a wonder that anyone in that kind of environment can focus enough to have a conversation. A new study by researchers at Brown University's Carney Institute for Brain Science provides some of the most detailed insights yet into the brain mechanisms that help people pay attention amid such distraction, as well as what's happening when they...
Lack of focus doesn't equal lack of intelligence: It's proof of an intricate brain, say scientists