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Impact on Earth 4.5 Billion Years Ago May Have Kicked off Plate Tectonics
Impact on Earth 4.5 Billion Years Ago May Have Kicked off Plate Tectonics
Around 4.5 billion years ago a giant object around the size of Mars crashed into the proto-planet Earth, called Theia. This essentially redid the planet and created the Moon, but new research suggests it also changed the way Earth would behave for the rest of its days.
Impact on Earth 4.5 Billion Years Ago May Have Kicked off Plate Tectonics
China grew a plant on the moon - it sprouted two leaves, data indicates
China grew a plant on the moon - it sprouted two leaves, data indicates
It marks the first time a plant has been grown on the moon. In January, China became the first nation to land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon. Chang'e-4 lunar rover carried among its payload a small biosphere that housed six lifeforms, including cotton seeds. Using data from that biosphere experiment, researchers constructed a […] The post China grew a plant on the moon - it sprouted two leaves, data indicates appeared first on...
China grew a plant on the moon - it sprouted two leaves, data indicates
In an Alternate Reality, Scientists Failed to Prevent a Devastating Asteroid Impact
In an Alternate Reality, Scientists Failed to Prevent a Devastating Asteroid Impact
"These exercises ultimately help the planetary-defense community communicate with each other and with our governments to ensure we are all coordinated should a potential impact threat be identified in the future," said NASA planetary defense officer Lindley Johnson in a press release.
In an Alternate Reality, Scientists Failed to Prevent a Devastating Asteroid Impact
Aliens may be hitching rides on meteors to colonize the cosmos, study suggests. Here's how we could spot them.
Aliens may be hitching rides on meteors to colonize the cosmos, study suggests. Here's how we could spot them.
A fringe theory called "panspermia" suggests that lifeforms can spread to new planets by hitching rides on meteors. New research lays out a roadmap for finding where these hypothetical, planet-hopping aliens may reside.
Aliens may be hitching rides on meteors to colonize the cosmos, study suggests. Here's how we could spot them.
NASA Studying Unidentified Aerial Phenomena aka UFOs
NASA Studying Unidentified Aerial Phenomena aka UFOs
NASA conducts studies of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). NASA Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen, explains. Credit: | Animations provided by NASA/ESO/ M. Kornmesser/ L. Calçada/ SpaceEngine / JPL-Caltech / University of Arizona / LPG / CNRS /University of Nantes / Space Science Institute | edited by Steve Spaleta
NASA Studying Unidentified Aerial Phenomena aka UFOs
Evidence grows that meteorites, comets could have brought essentials of life to early Earth
Evidence grows that meteorites, comets could have brought essentials of life to early Earth
The origin of life on Earth is a profound mystery - including when it started and how the ingredients for it were assembled. And a new study aimed at answering the latter question finds that some building blocks didn't need to have formed on Earth, but could have arrived from space. The study, published AprilContinue reading "Evidence grows that meteorites, comets could have brought essentials of life to early Earth" The post Evidence grows that...
Evidence grows that meteorites, comets could have brought essentials of life to early Earth