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Reddit Archives
6. ⚠️Updated Back-End Website (Still WIP). Don't know how long my recovery will be.⚠️
I painstakingly added raindrop embeds into the database, so now players should have an easier time navigating raindrop - I still need to make a…
GitHub - Reddit Archives
This serves as a backup of reddit posts in 1:1 format. Also a way to track reddit posts via category.
Although I'm also working on adding all the reddit posts into raindrop for yet another way to track the game/resources etc.
RainDrop Directory Help
RainDrop Directory
Reminders ― Help
The secret to effortlessly remembering everything? Have remind you.
Search ― Help
Raindrop offers robust search capabilities, allowing you to locate bookmarks by various details, including title, description, notes, URL, tags, type, date, or the full content of a webpage, EPUB, or PDF (without OCR).
Tags ― Help
Tags allow for detailed characterization of an item.