Withering Whip.png

GAME-START (Folders Below)
Slowing Hex.png
Cold Front.png
Quicksilver Reload.png
Mystic Vulnreablility.png
Improved Cooldown.png
Duration Extender.png
Bullet Resist Shredder.png
Spirit Strike.png
Mystic Reach.png
Mystic Burst.png
Extra Spirit.png
Extra Charge.png
Ammo Scavenger.png
GitHub - Reddit Archives
This serves as a backup of reddit posts in 1:1 format. Also a way to track reddit posts via category.
Although I'm also working on adding all the reddit posts into raindrop for yet another way to track the game/resources etc.
Fear IS The Cave (Plato's Allegory Cheat-Sheet 1) : r/HyperSanity
Plato's Allegory Forward: Empiricism - Wikipedia Plato's Cave (Allegory) Allegory of the cave - Wikipedia "In the allegory, Plato describes people…
Climate Clock
4 Years left before global extinction, go vegan or go extinct - sorry if you don't believe in science.
NPR: Schools are putting vape detectors in bathrooms — paid for by Juul
Some districts are using money from a $1.7 billion legal settlement against e-cigarette manufacturer Juul Labs to pay for the high-tech devices. But there are critics and also privacy concerns.
Memento Mori
Earth’s Missing 3rd Energy Field Has Appeared in the Arctic Skies
This tiny electric charge has been silently shaping our atmosphere for eons.
Vampiric Burst.png
Spiritual Overflow.png
Siphon Bullets.png
Lucky Shot.png
Glass Cannon.png