MSN - Ancient Greek building filled with gold and adorned with marble lions found in huge discovery
Inferentialism - A new system of logic could boost critical thinking and AI
The rigid structures of language we once clung to with certainty are cracking. Take gender, nationality or religion: these concepts no longer sit comfortably in the stiff linguistic boxes of the last century. Simultaneously, the rise of AI presses upon us the need to understand how words relate to meaning and reasoning.
Scientists discover a ‘third state’ between life and death
Synchromysticism - Wikipedia
Synchronicity - Wikipedia
Fnord - Wikipedia
"Fnord" (/fnɔːrd/) is a word coined in 1965 by Kerry Thornley and Greg Hill in the Discordian religious text Principia Discordia. It entered into popular culture after appearing in The Illuminatus! Trilogy (1975) of novels written by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson. Here, the interjection "fnord" is given hypnotic power over the unenlightened, and children in grade school are taught to be unable to see the word consciously. For the rest of their lives, every appearance of the word subconsciously generates a feeling of unease and confusion which prevents rational consideration of the text in which it appears.
Philosophy professor Jeffrey J Kripal: ‘Thinking about a UFO as some kind of extraterrestrial spaceship is naive’
An even smarter person said its stupid to assume we're the only intelligent lifeforms in the entire galaxy.
Esp when we haven't even explored all the ocean.
1 SADistiK (1 of most beast hip hop artists besides eyedea)
I credit my introduction to philosophy and hypersanity to Sadistik/Eyedea.
Been listening for 10 years and still find new meanings in old songs.
DGD: Hyper-Sanity (logos)