MSN - Global coral reef bleaching event is largest on record, report says
MSN - Quantum leap needed to fight climate change, UN report says
MSN - Most of the land humans need to thrive is unprotected, new study finds
Scientific American: Anyone Can Learn Echolocation in Just 10 Weeks—And It Remodels Your Brain
Human echolocation repurposes parts of the brain’s visual cortex for sound, even in sighted people
Scientists discover a framework in the brain for organizing the order of things
Scientists at NTNU's Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience in Norway have discovered a pattern of activity in the brain that serves as a template for building sequential experiences.
El Diario 24: Earth just received a message from 140 million miles away: NASA is clear on what’s next
From 140 million miles distant, Earth just got the following message: NASA knows exactly what comes next. This message helps with transmitting.
The Independent: Archaeologists discover ‘significant’ permanent side-effect of smoking
Archaeologists say tobacco consumption leaves a metabolic record that can be studied for centuries
WION: Scientists crack the code, reveal what transported seeds of life to Earth
How did life emerge on Earth? The age-old question has intrigued experts for years and now a study has hinted that rocky guests who visit us frequently might have carried the seeds of life. Meteorites likely brought the building blocks of life to the primordial Earth from space, as per new evidence. Scientists are intrigued by the finding as this means that alien life exists somewhere in space.
ECOticias: NASA succeeds for the first time in “teleporting” an astronaut: They only needed a hologram
NASA teleports astronauts using holoportation tech, revolutionizing communication and collaboration in space.
MSN - 'Their capacity to emulate human language and thought is immensely powerful': Far from ending the world, AI systems might actually save it
MSN - 2035: The Point of No Return
UNILAD: Scientists discover a 'third state' that’s beyond life and death in huge breakthrough
Biologists Peter Noble and Alex Pozhitkov published their findings on biobots in the journal Physiology
Scientists prove Turin Shroud not genuine (again)
Forensic analysis of possible bloodstains suggest marks could only have been made by someone adopting different poses, not dead Messiah lying still in tomb before the resurrection
MSN - Extraordinary giant structures discovered beneath the surface of Mars
CDC - Mask Studies
ECOticias: Zeus, the most powerful laser ever created, causes a worldwide shock: It has discovered something in the universe
Zeus, the world’s most powerful laser, uncovers unknown particle interactions and revolutionizes science.
Tiny fish found to have sophisticated self-awareness only ever seen in some humans
Cosmic Dust Created Humans
South China Morning Post: China’s super-radar detects plasma bubble over the pyramids in Giza
The powerful LARID radar in Hainan, China, can detect plasma bubbles in Earth’s upper atmosphere up to 9,600km away. The universe had a secret life before the Big Bang, new study hints
The secrets of black holes and dark matter could lie before the Big Bang, a new study of "bouncing" cosmology hints.
Techno-Science: Discovery: it wasn't a comet that wiped out the dinosaurs, and it didn't come from Jupiter
About 66 million years ago, a cataclysmic event marked the end of the dinosaur era. This episode is linked to the...
China produced large quantities of water using the Moon's soil
The Moon is a key piece of the space exploration puzzle. One of our next objectives is to visit Earth’s satellite and establish a permanent … The post China produced large quantities of water using the Moon’s soil appeared first on BGR.
Twilight zones discovered deep underground – and sceintists don't know what they are
Some of the Earth’s most “extreme features” have been discovered deep, deep underground, and scientists can’t work out what they are. The mysterious zones have the power to slow down seismic waves by up to 50 per cent, yet experts don’t know what they’re made of or what role they play. These strange black holes (figuratively speaking) are located w...
ECOticias: Einstein predicted this rocket 100 years ago, and it has been built: It exceeds the speed of light and twists space
Einstein's theoretical warp drive concept brings faster-than-light travel closer, defying known physics limits.
All Life on Earth Comes From One Single Ancestor. And It's So Much Older Than We Thought.
Scientists have pushed back LUCA’s origin by hundreds of millions of years.
Shared from Bing: NASA Made a World-Shaking Discovery: Compelling Evidence of Past Life on Mars
The Perseverance rover was built for this moment—and it didn’t disappoint.
In an Alternate Reality, Scientists Failed to Prevent a Devastating Asteroid Impact
"These exercises ultimately help the planetary-defense community communicate with each other and with our governments to ensure we are all coordinated should a potential impact threat be identified in the future," said NASA planetary defense officer Lindley Johnson in a press release.
Aliens may be hitching rides on meteors to colonize the cosmos, study suggests. Here's how we could spot them.
A fringe theory called "panspermia" suggests that lifeforms can spread to new planets by hitching rides on meteors. New research lays out a roadmap for finding where these hypothetical, planet-hopping aliens may reside.
A Scientist Says Humans Will Reach the Singularity Within 21 Years
The countdown is on.
NASA scientist warns 'risk of asteroid impact is real' and 'consequences are huge'
Professor Dante Lauretta has urged people to consider how there 'could be something coming' as they look up into the sky, noting that 'the risk of an asteroid impact is real'