Cancer: Carcinogenicity of the consumption of red meat and processed meat
Too much red meat is linked to a 50% increase in Type 2 diabetes risk
A study finds people who eat more than one serving of red meat a day are at higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Processed meats, like bacon and hot dogs, were linked to an even higher risk.
CNN: Black-colored plastic used for kitchen utensils and toys linked to banned toxic flame retardants
Black plastics from electronic devices may be leaching toxic flame retardants into our food and homes, a new study has found.
Split-Brain Research Confirms Mind’s Unity | Evolution News
The NOVA special’s claim is, “The split brain phenomenon suggests that there can be two separated minds, if you will, inside of a skull.”
ScienceAlert: Cannabis Use Linked to Epigenetic Changes, Study Shows
Here's what we know.
Alzforum: Microglial Epigenetics Hints at How ApoE Toggles Alzheimer’s Risk
Neuroscience News: Muscle Proteins Trigger Desire for Exercise
A new study reveals that certain muscle proteins activated during exercise can increase the desire to stay active, shedding light on a muscle-brain signaling pathway.
PsyPost: Distinct neural synchrony observed in social interactions involving autistic adults
Adults with autism prefer to follow rather than lead in social imitation tasks, accompanied by distinct brain synchrony patterns, indicating differences in how their brains connect with others during social interactions.
GOOD: Researchers tested a bottle of Fiji Water against a glass of tap water and here's what they found
The study challenges what we know about packaged water for ages and our mindsets about tap water.
Upworthy: Study discovers people don't age steadily, but in dramatic bursts at two specific ages
This explains SO much about your 40s.
PsyPost: Study reveals subtle genetic link between intelligence and mental health
A new study has found a slight genetic link between higher intelligence and reduced psychopathology, with anxiety and negative affect being more heritable in children with below-average intelligence.
Medical Xpress: Knocking out one key gene leads to autistic traits, mouse study shows
More than 70 genes have been linked to autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a developmental condition in which differences in the brain lead to a host of altered behaviors, including issues with language, ...
Ultra-processed foods: largest ever review shows many ill effects on health—how to understand the evidence
Ultra-processed foods, such as cereals and fizzy drinks, have been linked to 32 harmful health effects, according to the largest review of the evidence to date.