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Fnord - Wikipedia
Fnord - Wikipedia
"Fnord" (/fnɔːrd/) is a word coined in 1965 by Kerry Thornley and Greg Hill in the Discordian religious text Principia Discordia. It entered into popular culture after appearing in The Illuminatus! Trilogy (1975) of novels written by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson. Here, the interjection "fnord" is given hypnotic power over the unenlightened, and children in grade school are taught to be unable to see the word consciously. For the rest of their lives, every appearance of the word subconsciously generates a feeling of unease and confusion which prevents rational consideration of the text in which it appears.
Fnord - Wikipedia
Lack of focus doesn't equal lack of intelligence: It's proof of an intricate brain, say scientists
Lack of focus doesn't equal lack of intelligence: It's proof of an intricate brain, say scientists
Imagine a busy restaurant: dishes clattering, music playing, people talking loudly over one another. It's a wonder that anyone in that kind of environment can focus enough to have a conversation. A new study by researchers at Brown University's Carney Institute for Brain Science provides some of the most detailed insights yet into the brain mechanisms that help people pay attention amid such distraction, as well as what's happening when they...
Lack of focus doesn't equal lack of intelligence: It's proof of an intricate brain, say scientists
Report Censorship - National Coalition Against Censorship
Report Censorship - National Coalition Against Censorship
Have you experienced censorship? Has your right to freedom of speech and expression been threatened?  One of the best ways to fight censorship is to call it out as it happens. To report an incident, please fill out the form below. NCAC staff will be in contact if they are able to provide assistance or support. Please
Report Censorship - National Coalition Against Censorship
The Guardian: Bill Maher puts the fate of the Great Barrier Reef in the spotlight – but something’s missing from the soundbites
The Guardian: Bill Maher puts the fate of the Great Barrier Reef in the spotlight – but something’s missing from the soundbites
The Danish political scientist Bjorn Lomborg has told the US cable host its biggest threat is not the climate crisis, but do his claims stack up?
The Guardian: Bill Maher puts the fate of the Great Barrier Reef in the spotlight – but something’s missing from the soundbites
Thousands of actors, artists call AI ‘major, unjust threat’
Thousands of actors, artists call AI ‘major, unjust threat’

Utter stupids, this is no different than saying no-one can write a book if they've read one.

It's only stealing if someone literally uses the SAME content you copyrighted, reading something doesn't qualify as stealing - beyond stupid.

Let's just ignore the fact that for the first time in HISTORY, the disabled now have a voice and a means to create.

This is no different than the morons who were against calculators, cars and smart phones.

Not 1 valid point, they all commit logical fallacies.

Thousands of actors, artists call AI ‘major, unjust threat’
Scientists use high-tech brain stimulation to make people more hypnotizable
Scientists use high-tech brain stimulation to make people more hypnotizable
How deeply someone can be hypnotized—known as hypnotizability—appears to be a stable trait that changes little throughout adulthood, much like personality and IQ. But now, for the first time, Stanford Medicine researchers have demonstrated a way to temporarily heighten hypnotizablity—potentially allowing more people to access the benefits of hypnosis-based therapy.
Scientists use high-tech brain stimulation to make people more hypnotizable
PsyPost: Scientists discover "glue" that holds memory together in fascinating neuroscience breakthrough
PsyPost: Scientists discover "glue" that holds memory together in fascinating neuroscience breakthrough
Scientists found that the molecule KIBRA helps stabilize memory by binding to PKMζ, an enzyme that strengthens brain connections, allowing memories to last for years despite the constant turnover of proteins in the brain.
PsyPost: Scientists discover "glue" that holds memory together in fascinating neuroscience breakthrough