App extension
Qikipedia · GitLab
A browser extension that lets you highlight any text and get an instant Wikipedia summary of it.
Focus To-Do
Pomodoro Timer & To Do List
Terms of Service; Didn't Read
“Terms of Service; Didn't Read” (short: ToS;DR) is a project started in June 2012 to help fix the “biggest lie on the web”: almost no one really reads the terms of service we agree to all the time.
Reddit Enhancement Suite
Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES) is a community-driven unofficial browser extension for enhancing your reddit experience.
Google Dictionary - Chrome web store
View definitions easily as you browse the web.
Switch effortlessly between using the keyboard and your voice to type out notes. Work smarter and more productively with fast, accurate dictation and transcription.
Honey is a browser extension that automatically finds and applies coupon codes at checkout with a single click.
Blue/Green Cubes - Chrome web store
Blue and green cubes to illuminate your life.
Galaxy-View - Chrome web store
Black blue shards - Chrome web store
As requested, i have made a black and blue shards theme. Wallpaper can be downloaded here:…
Universe - Chrome web store
This theme is in the resolution 1920 x 1080. If you would like to request another resolution, or if you have any suggestions,…
Crown - Chrome web store
A colorful theme for those who like all things pink and gold.
Slinky Elegant - Chrome web store
Smart. Simple. Beautiful Theme.
Material Dark - Chrome web store
A minimalistic dark material design inspired theme.
Material Simple Dark Grey - Chrome web store
A simple, darker grey theme with a fully dark header and header bar.
Morpheon Dark - Chrome web store
A minimalistic dark theme without any distractions
Cookie-AutoDelete · GitHub
Firefox and Chrome WebExtension that deletes cookies and other browsing site data as soon as the tab closes, domain changes, browser restarts, or a combination of those events. - Cookie-AutoDelete/...
Web Of Trust
WOT Free Browser Security for Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Android & iOS. Stay protected from all online threats. Check website safety to avoid Phishing, Scams & Malware.
I don't care about cookies
Get rid of cookie warnings from almost all websites!
Dark Mode
Wikipedia zim torrent links
all wikipedia zim torrent links · GitHub
Block Site
Block Site allows you to block any website for any period of time. Remove distractions, block adult content, customize your browsing environment.
Kiwix - lets you acces free knowledge
Read Wikipedia or any website on your mobile phone or computer, even when there is no internet. For free!
Dark Reader
Dark mode on all websites. Care your eyes, use Dark Reader for night and daily browsing. For Chrome and Firefox, Edge and Safari.
Bookmarks are for books, not browsers. Organize your browser tabs into Toby so you can access key resources in one-click instead of seven.
Grammarly makes sure everything you type is easy to read, effective, and mistake-free. Try it today: