Obsidian plugin for per-pane history, pane movement/navigation hotkeys, and more - pjeby/pane-relief: Obsidian plugin for per-pane history, pane movement/navigation hotkeys, and more
Adds hotkeys to toggle todos, ordered/unordered lists and blockquotes in Obsidian - argenos/hotkeysplus-obsidian: Adds hotkeys to toggle todos, ordered/unordered lists and blockquotes in Obsidian
Using our browser extension is the quickest way to add links, images, and stuff to your Raindrop.io collections straight from your favorite web browser.
Disable videos on youtube and save battery and bandwidth / data - animeshkundu/youtube-audio: Disable videos on youtube and save battery and bandwidth / data
A small application that allows to handle Twitter and Youtube to redirect them to their Nitter or Invidious URLs and open them with the appropriate app.
Download React Developer Tools for Firefox. React Developer Tools is a tool that allows you to inspect a React tree, including the component hierarchy, props, state, and more. To get started, just open the Firefox devtools and switch to the "⚛️ Components" or "⚛️ Profiler" tab.
Firefox extension. Highlight text on a web page and send it to DeepL - GitHub - xpmn/firefox-to-deepl: Firefox extension. Highlight text on a web page and send it to DeepL
Highlight text on a web page and send it to Google Translate - GitHub - itsecurityco/to-google-translate: Highlight text on a web page and send it to Google Translate
ClearURLs is an add-on based on the new WebExtensions technology and will automatically remove tracking elements from URLs to help protect your privacy. - GitHub - ClearURLs/Addon: ClearURLs is an ...
Dictionary extension that helps you stay focused on what you are reading by eliminating the need to search for meaning. - GitHub - meetDeveloper/Dictionary-Anywhere: Dictionary extension that helps...