a plugin for encrypting obsidian markdowns in-memory, single password based. - shlemiel/globaloe: a plugin for encrypting obsidian markdowns in-memory, single password based.
A plugin for Obsidian that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and other long projects. - kevboh/longform: A plugin for Obsidian that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and oth...
Use ripgrep to find TODO tags and display the results in a tree view - Gruntfuggly/todo-tree: Use ripgrep to find TODO tags and display the results in a tree view
Alternative to 12ft.io. Bypass paywalls with a proxy ladder and remove CORS headers from any URL - kubero-dev/ladder: Alternative to 12ft.io. Bypass paywalls with a proxy ladder and remove CORS hea...
🔌 VitePress Sidebar is a plugin for VitePress that automatically configures and manages the sidebar of your page with simple settings. - jooy2/vitepress-sidebar: 🔌 VitePress Sidebar is a plugin for...
A RescueTime integration plugin to view your activity logs in Obsidian. - GitHub - Tatz884/RescueTime-Obsidian: A RescueTime integration plugin to view your activity logs in Obsidian.
An obsidian plugin that exploit a natural language processing engine to find potential events and sync them with iCalendar - GitHub - Vaccarini-Lorenzo/MagicCalendar: An obsidian plugin that exploi...
Easily publish notes to the web This plugin integrates with obsius.site to publish markdown notes on the web. - jonstodle/obsius-obsidian-plugin: Easily publish notes to the web This plugin integ...
📝 An Obsidian plugin for sharing encrypted Markdown notes on the web. Zero configuration required. - mcndt/obsidian-quickshare: 📝 An Obsidian plugin for sharing encrypted Markdown notes on the web....
Instantly share an Obsidian note with the full theme exactly like you see in your vault. Data is shared encrypted by default, and only you and the person you send it to have the key. - alangrainger...
Obsidian plugin to keep track of all birthdays of your family and friends. - GitHub - Raboro/Obsidian-Birthday-Tracker-Plugin: Obsidian plugin to keep track of all birthdays of your family and frie...
Bulk export Markdown filtered, renamed and sorted by front matter metadata into a new structure. - GitHub - symunona/obsidian-bulk-exporter: Bulk export Markdown filtered, renamed and sorted by fro...