App repository

Joplin · GitHub
Joplin · GitHub
Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. Forum: - laurent22/joplin
Joplin · GitHub
KTweak · GitHub
KTweak · GitHub
A no-nonsense kernel tweak script for Linux and Android systems, backed by evidence. - tytydraco/KTweak
KTweak · GitHub
TwistyTimer · GitHub
TwistyTimer · GitHub
Twisty Timer is a material design twisty puzzle timer for Android. It uses the TNoodle library to generate scramble sequences for all current official speedsolving puzzles. - aricneto/TwistyTimer
TwistyTimer · GitHub
Chord package · GitHub
Chord package · GitHub
Python package for creating beautiful interactive Chord Diagrams. Pro version available at - shahinrostami/chord
Chord package · GitHub