Download NanaZip for free. The 7-Zip derivative intended for the modern Windows experience. NanaZip is an open source file archiver intended for the modern Windows experience, forked from the source code of well-known open source file archiver 7-Zip.
Download BlissOS-x86 for free. An Open Source OS, based on Android for PC's & Tablets. This is Bliss (see, running as a native or emulated* OS for PCs.. These builds are compatible with PCs, MacBooks and Chromebooks equipped with x86/x86_64 compatible CPUs.
Download ReactOS for free. An operating system based on the best Windows NT design principles. ReactOS is an open source effort to develop a quality operating system that is compatible with applications and drivers written for the Microsoft Windows NT family of operating systems (NT4, 2000, XP, 2003).
Download Br OS for free. Br OS é o Antigo Hétero OS, agora remodelado, mais robusto e aberto ao público em geral, o nome mudou mas a filosofia continua a mesma, unir pessoas, o nome Br OS tem dois significados, Br vem de Brasil, o país de origem do sistema, e a junção do nome fica Bros, que é uma gíria norte americana para Brothers, que significa Irmãos. Basicamente o que queremos dizer é que nosso sistema foi feito para unir pessoas, seja pelo conteúdo gerado por ele, ou pela comunidade que ele forma.
Download Feren OS for free. A pseudo-rolling Operating System made with love. Feren OS is a free and open-source operating system with a pseudo-rolling-release nature. It is designed to be stable, more powerful, and more secure.
Download LXLE for free. LXDE eXtra Luxury Edition. Change is good but changing everything isn't always great. Same is true for aging computers and their operating systems.
Download Rhino Linux for free. Ubuntu-Based, Rolling Release w/ Pacstall & XFCE at its core. PLEASE NOTE: this is a mirror repository of our builder for hosting our images. For the full project page, visit
Rhino Linux re-invents the Ubuntu experience as a rolling-release distribution built on a stable desktop environment.
Download Zorin OS for free. This page is deprecated. Please download from Zorin OS is the alternative to Windows and macOS designed to make your computer faster, more powerful, secure, and privacy respecting. This page is deprecated.
Download ArcoLinuxB Editions for free. All iso's created with the ArcoLinuxB project will be hosted here. At ArcoLinux we learn how to build our personal iso aka BYOI. This is Phase 4 in our learning path.
Download DTOS for free. DTOS is a GNU/Linux distro featuring Qtile, Emacs, dmscripts and more. DTOS is a GNU/Linux distro featuring Qtile, Emacs, dmscripts and more. It is distro that focuses heavily on educating the user to become a power user.
Download 432Hz Player for free. Plays music in 432Hz. Most music is recorded in 440Hz. Many people claim that 432Hz resonates more with the heart whereas 440Hz resonates more with the brain, and that 432Hz music feels better.
Download DC++ for free. A Windows client for the Direct Connect networks. DC++ is an open source Windows client for the Direct Connect file sharing network. The DC network is a decentralized network, made up of individual servers (hubs) that users join to share files with other members on that hub.
Download aMule - all-platform eMule P2P Client for free. aMule stands for all-platform eMule file-sharing program. It is affiliated with the eMule project and was forked from xMule on 08/2003.
Download kpcli for free. KeePass Command Line Interface. KeePass Command Line Interface (CLI) / interactive shell. Use kpcli to access and manage your KeePass databases from a Unix-like command line.
Download Athena OS for free. An Arch Linux-based distro focused on Cybersecurity. The purpose of Athena project arises to offer a different experience than the most used pentesting distributions. These distros are mainly based on Debian, and they rely mainly on Debian or GitHub repositories for retrieving security tools that don't store all security tools and are hard to maintain.
Download ProjectLibre - Project Management for free. #1 alternative to Microsoft Project : Project Management software. ProjectLibre is the #1 alternative to Microsoft Project. ProjectLibre has desktop and a Cloud solution in beta testing.
Download CachyOS for free. Blazingly Fast & Customizable Linux distribution. CachyOS - Arch Linux Based Distribution With Heavy Optimizations & Multi-Architectures For Ultimate Desktop Experience
- btrfs
- zfs
- ext4
- xfs
- f2fs
Our installer will auto detect which micro architecture your machine got, if x86-64-v3 or x86-64-v4 is detected it will automatically use the optimized packages, which is around a 10 % performance improvement. Desktop Environments:
- CuteFish
- i3
- Gnome
- Openbox
- Wayfire
- Xfce
- bspwm
All packages are compiled with Full LTO and other optimization flags.
Download Eagle Mode for free. Zoomable user interface (ZUI) with file manager, file viewers and more. Eagle Mode is a zoomable user interface (ZUI) with file manager, file viewers, games, and more. This project is about a futuristic style of human-computer interaction, where the user can visit almost everything simply by zooming in.
Download PSeInt for free. A tool for learning programming basis with a simple spanish pseudocode. PSeInt is a pseudo-code interpreter for spanish-speaking programming students. Its main purpose is to be a tool for learning and understanding the basic concepts about programming and applying them with an easy understanding spanish pseudocode.
Download Waha Linux for free. Debian made easy. Waha GNU \ Linux, easy to use OS based on Debian, provides all the features of Debian with a focus on facilitating of use it, distribution available both 32-bit and 64-bit. and suitable for new Linux users.
Download SparkyLinux for free. Lightweight & fast Debian-based Linux Distribution. SparkyLinux is a GNU/Linux distribution created on the top of Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Sparky is fast, lightweight and fully customizable OS which offers a few versions for different users and different tasks.
Download Nitrux for free. Simple, quick and responsive. That's Nitrux. Nitrux is a Linux desktop distribution directly based on Debian. It uses the Calamares installer and includes NX Desktop and NX Firewall on the KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment and KDE Applications.
Download Kiwix for free. Wikipedia offline & more. Kiwix is an offline reader for Web content. It's especially intended to make Wikipedia available offline.
Download Nikkho for free. Javier Gutiérrez Chamorro (Guti) Open source projects. Javier Gutiérrez Chamorro (Guti) Open source projects
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