Found 2026 bookmarks
Cicada-Software/cicada · GitHub
Cicada-Software/cicada · GitHub
A FOSS, cross-platform version of GitHub Actions and Gitlab CI - Cicada-Software/cicada: A FOSS, cross-platform version of GitHub Actions and Gitlab CI
Cicada-Software/cicada · GitHub
521xueweihan/HelloGitHub · GitHub
521xueweihan/HelloGitHub · GitHub
:octocat: 分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目。Share interesting, entry-level open source projects on GitHub. - GitHub - 521xueweihan/HelloGitHub: :octocat: 分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目。Share interesting, entry-level ...
521xueweihan/HelloGitHub · GitHub
juspay/hyperswitch · GitHub
juspay/hyperswitch · GitHub
An open source payments switch written in Rust to make payments fast, reliable and affordable - GitHub - juspay/hyperswitch: An open source payments switch written in Rust to make payments fast, re...
juspay/hyperswitch · GitHub
JaKooLit/Arch-Hyprland · GitHub
JaKooLit/Arch-Hyprland · GitHub
This is basically a clone of my Hyprland-v4. This is to align naming scheme from my Hyprland Installers to easily identify which installers is for - GitHub - JaKooLit/Arch-Hyprland: This is basical...
JaKooLit/Arch-Hyprland · GitHub
Genivia/ugrep · GitHub
Genivia/ugrep · GitHub
🔍NEW ugrep 4.3: ultra-fast, user-friendly grep replacement. Ugrep combines the best features of other grep, adds new features, and surpasses their search speeds. Includes a TUI, boolean queries (AN...
Genivia/ugrep · GitHub
ReactOS - SourceForge
ReactOS - SourceForge
Download ReactOS for free. An operating system based on the best Windows NT design principles. ReactOS is an open source effort to develop a quality operating system that is compatible with applications and drivers written for the Microsoft Windows NT family of operating systems (NT4, 2000, XP, 2003).
ReactOS - SourceForge
tobychui/arozos · GitHub
tobychui/arozos · GitHub
Web Desktop Operating System for low power platforms, Now written in Go! - tobychui/arozos: Web Desktop Operating System for low power platforms, Now written in Go!
tobychui/arozos · GitHub