Sistema Open Source para Identificar potenciales fraudes electorales, minimizar su ocurrencia e impacto. - Las-Fuerzas-Del-Cielo/Sistema-Anti-Fraude-Electoral: Sistema Open Source para Identificar ...
Download ReactOS for free. An operating system based on the best Windows NT design principles. ReactOS is an open source effort to develop a quality operating system that is compatible with applications and drivers written for the Microsoft Windows NT family of operating systems (NT4, 2000, XP, 2003).
An AI copilot for your second brain. Search and chat with your personal knowledge base, online or offline - GitHub - khoj-ai/khoj: An AI copilot for your second brain. Search and chat with your per...
AuxXxilium/arc: Arc is a customized Redpill Loader for DSM 7.x
Arc is a customized Redpill Loader for DSM 7.x (Xpenology) with enhanced Hardwaresupport, Addons, Extensions and guided Installation. User interaction is required and more customization options are...
⭐ You can contribute to this Repository by creating programs to print "hello world" in different programming languages.⭐ - arjuncvinod/Hello-World-hacktoberfest2023: ⭐ You can con...
3D to Photo is an open-source package by Dabble, that combines threeJS and Stable diffusion to build a virtual photo studio for product photography. Load a 3D model into the browser and virtual sho...
Krita is a free and open source cross-platform application that offers an end-to-end solution for creating digital art files from scratch built on the KDE and Qt frameworks. - GitHub - KDE/krita: K...
collection of dot config files for hyprland with a simple install script for a fresh Arch linux with yay - GitHub - SolDoesTech/hyprland: collection of dot config files for hyprland with a simple i...